Racist: Prada called out for blackface monkey products

True that. Ive seen some pretty awful crap supposedly dealing with native american history, eclipsing that perspective in favor of manifest destiny and white m ans burden. Simply moving this to a museum doesnt mean its getting an enlightened frame. Now Im suddenly curious about what sort of controversies are currently raging in the circles of museum curation.


Initially misread prada as panda and I wondered what the poor pandas had done to be accused of racism.

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Yeah, I was looking at a Babar book that had a two-page spread of these images. It shocked me— I didn’t remember that from reading Babar as a kid. Definitely not just a problem of the English-speaking world.


Ferris State university has the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia

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I had no idea, I guess you have to be really well educated to not offend anybody.

The way I read it, its pop culture thats offensive. Being well educated means understanding just how deeply racist american pop culture has been.


Like that moment in Master of none, where Asiz suggests to his date that maybe she should show the Mammy jar to a black person and ask them what they think about it.

(On a side note, it’s a shame that there are absolutely no Master of None clips on Youtube.)

You’ve convinced me. I think I was cutting them too much slack.

Twitter has really been an incredible tool for following current museum curation controversies, particularly as Decolonize This Placed was in the headlines.

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You gotta
bag with a lot a
stuff in it
Give it to your friend
let’s spin

That’s likely because Netflix is highly proprietary about their stuff, and possibly because of the backlash against Aziz Ansari for being a sexual predator.

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…Probably a stupid question, but is Paul Frank’s Julius the Monkey out these days as well?

Had a hard time remembering exactly what that was called, but it sure was trendy back in the day.

[Circles are round, the sky is blue, racism is bad, yes.]

That particular design is much more defensible; despite the red mouth, it still looks like a monkey and not freakin’ Sambo.


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