Rancher takes feds to court over camera they placed on his property without permission

Its really only palatable to the poorest right now. And the thing is that anti immigration sentiment in the US shifts the balance towards people immigrants with fewer options, rather than those with the education and skills which the US actually needs.

Well Bundy was trespassing on federal lands and was white. This guy sounds like he might not be white and it’s federals trespassing on his land? Seriously at what point can he shoot these folks? Armed men tresspassing? scary. Is there a castle doctrine in his state?

Under common law, that only applies inside one’s home, not merely on one’s property.

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Well, maybe that’s because “Palacios” is an awfully weird northern european name… (discounting spain etc…)

No, just no.

Look up the “cutilage” regarding federal law enforcement. You’ll most likely be very surprised what Federal law enforcement can do on your land without a warrant.

I was thinking the same thing, make the sign just the right size to completely fill the camera’s view, alternatively take a picture of the landscape from the same perspective as the camera, print it out and put it on an easel in front so it looks like the camera has the same view

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He is a lawyer. So he likely thinks about solving problems through the courts. I imagine most people finding such a camera on their land would just make it vanish.

This is what happens when we throw piles of money at authority out of fear.

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He did that also. What else do you imagine?

they will be very surprised by what I (and the subject of the post) can do on our land without a warrant, too.

Is the property on some mass-migration route, or just badges being dicks?

Sounds like he needs his own surveillance network to track the comings and goings.

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Were I him, I would have been suing the shit out of the feds a loooong time ago.

respec mai authoratai

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If that’s true, then their cognitive dissonance is comically epic.


33/6 1488 MAGA!

Also, the TPAC aren’t really conservatives. They’re fiscally irresponsible and they believe in might makes right, not law and order. Republican activists are fine and dandy with an authoritarian government that ignores people’s rights as long as it’s not their rights and as long as they think they can hang on to the reigns of power. They’ve stopped even bothering to pretend they’re only against illegal immigration; they’re blatantly racist against any immigrants, legal or otherwise, from what they consider non-white countries. Fuck, they’re so damn ignorant they think Native Americans should “go back where they came from”.

So any of those people on “conservative” sites siding with the rancher are the last few with an ounce of foresight to realize that once rights are surrendered, they stay surrendered when the pendulum swings back. The rest have the memory of goldfish and will enthusiastically blame Democrats and liberals for their own shortsightedness when they’re out of power, and they just keep chugging the Kool-Aid to feed their delusions…


Anyone who thinks the Right still acts out of any principle other than hate and bigotry has seriously lost the plot.

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His attorneys have the camera. Vanishing means “what camera? I have seen no cameras”.

Of course, that tends to be a subjective calculation. It reminds me of this situation:

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