Read more books by using the downtime feature on your iPhone’s screen time settings

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Also make sure to use the blue light filter and change the app settings to a black background and white letters. Less blue light and less light overall.
Blue light before bed is a no-no.

I like audio books. Get all comfy and listen to a book using a sleep function set to 15 or 20 min. Relaxing and an important component of my feline duties. I can pet two cats at once with an audiobook


May I suggest another solution working for me since the first iPhone: Just leave it in your kitchen (or any other room than where you sleep) during the night …


You must be the rare breed who still uses an actual alarm clock


No fiction and all “productivity” and philosophy. This feels less like reading to me and more like working. No wonder they have to use life hacks to get reading. Here’s a life hack: read a book you’re actually excited to get to and you won’t need all these tricks.

That said I agree about reading on your phone being a game changer. I prefer physical books whenever I can but I read on my Kindle a lot because it is so convenient. And the great thing is that whenever I’m waiting somewhere I can just continue reading my book on my phone, rather than scrolling through social media.


Usually, I’d spend around 30 minutes (or more) watching YouTube in bed before I went to sleep. I saw that as an easy area to convert to reading time.

Replacing cat video time with book reading time is easy? Might as well tell a heroin addict that it’s easy to replace dope with exercise.

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Hmmm, not sure there’s any real scientific basis for this claim…
No, there isn’t:

However, using the automatic Dark setting for reading books makes a huge amount of sense, if only because it reduces eye-strain and is far more relaxing in a dark room; I’ve got my iPhone set for Dark Mode, so it changes to white text on black as soon as the light dims, which is much nicer for reading.

Couldn’t agree more! There are a dozen actual books just a few feet away, a couple of which I’m reading, plus a large wicker basket full of books I’ve yet to start!
The ability to carry an entire library on my phone and iPad in apps like Kindle, Books, and Bluefire, as stated, really has been a game changer - any given opportunity, my breaks at work, sitting in a cafe/ coffee shop, waiting for a car windscreen to be replaced and calibrated as part of my job, (about two and a half hours with a couple of coffees), and I’m happily sat reading a book - I have roughly 600 ebooks aquired from various sources, so never stuck for something to bury my nose into! :sunglasses:

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Did you read the AAO article? The article you cite says the exact opposite.
Quote: Blue light does affect the body’s circadian rhythm, our natural wake and sleep cycle. During the day, blue light wakes us up and stimulates us. But too much blue light exposure late at night from your phone, tablet or computer can make it harder to get to sleep.

That link is the article citing to a study showing blue light affects the body’s circadium rhythm.

And here are more:

Blue light has a dark side - Harvard Health).
How Does Blue Light Affect Children's Sleep? | Sleep Foundation

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With a built-in radio receiver and snooze function :slight_smile:


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