I think anyone who got that far into Tomb Of Horrors would have had that impulse thoroughly beaten, zapped, disintegrated, annihilated, etc. out of them…
Well, Something Awful is kinda… dumb
It’s extremely challenging, and the traps can absolutely be figured out and circumvented. It’s hard, but it isn’t simply out-and-out cruelty for the sake of masochism. There’s very clever and tricky ways around things and players can outthink the traps. And there’s plenty of silliness and laughter involved, too.
Pssst, “herd of cows” means “former inhabitants of the nearest peasant village”, yo. Available to you at the low low cost of one dawn raid.
Of course after a while you might have to travel a couple of days to find an occupied village… and you’ll have to watch out for those pesky paladins. “Why yes, my lord, these are all… volunteers, why do you ask?”
LOL. Evil - it gets shit done.
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