Record-breaking number of billionaires signals a second "Gilded Age" with inequality hitting 1905 levels


This reveals that strategy :

Same with us. My husband and I have been racking our brains how to save whatever is left from 2008 because I fear it’s going to happen again. It was crippling on top of health issues. I don’t look forward to the next one.


How many of the likes to your post do you think are from readers who got it?

From the People’s Cube, no less… my hat’s off.

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I always believed that people who said they wanted to bring back the '50s meant the 1850s…


This is a cartoon from the Wednesday, January 7, 1920 NY Daily Call, a Socialist newspaper by Ryan Walker. A “Henry Dubb” was a worker who had little or no political consciousness. See for more.






I know I’ll get banned for this, but I posted the source article on 4chan’s /news/ (with a bait subtitle) and strangely enough, there’s barely any short of racism, elitism, etc. to be found in the replies. And to make it even stranger, it been bumped to 1st page for two days and we got this thread:

So yeah, that happened.


“How arrogant, these peasants won’t work for slave wages and 60 hours a week. Raise the minimum wage? How would I afford my third yacht?”



It is a puzzlement

In a country with so many angry people with automatic weapons, I’d work a little harder on that pre-revolutionary puzzlement.

And I’d never say idiot phrases in this context like “It is a puzzlement”.

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Right on. The closer bound the tight-knit circle of money-managing thieves, the less likely anyone else is to engage in investment activities without losing their shirt.

Even Frank Quattrone, who caused so much devastation in the 90s tech boom, through illicit and veiled means, is back in the market, all legit like.

It almost makes me agree that peddling narcotics to rich kids is a valid tax on the system. Not quite there, but almost.


This whole song is worthwhile (and on topic!), but your comment made me think of the bit at 3:30 that I’ve cued this to.

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I don’t understand.
We have 1542 billionaires, with a total worth of 6000 billions, so an average a bit under 4 billions per head.
4 billions is a lot of money. In real estate, that is about the value of a medium-size city. Basically these people are much, much richer than most people realise. When average people think about “very rich”, they think about a large mansion, a luxury car, maybe a yacht. These billionaires can buy all of that from their pocket money. They are that rich.
On the other end of the spectrum, I understand from the ongoing discussion that the middle class in america is relatively poor: debt, difficulty to finance essentials like a roof renovation, little job security. I believe that, the situation in Europe is similar, besides the student debt.

Now for the question: where are the people in the middle? Say: millionnaires. The ones who can afford a large house and a luxury car, where are they? Taking the luxury car as an indicator: BMW sells more than 300000 cars every year in the USA. It is not the only premium brand, so I gather that we should have about a million, maybe two millions US citizens who can afford a premium car on a regular basis. These count as “rich” in the common sense.

I am not that concerned about the 1542 world billionaires. Maybe I should be, but I am not. I am more concerned about the gap between an increasingly poor middle class and the few millions millionaires. What do these millionaires did to become that rich, when the masses went poorer?

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Of course you should be concerned about the fucking billionaires. Never mind the millionaires, it’s the billionaires who’ve fucked over whole countries and bled entire populaces dry.


How did the millionaires avoid to be bled dry, then?

The same way that dukes and counts avoided being farmers for the king.