Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/12/31/reddit-survey-what-is-the-worst-thing-that-is-legal.html
The private equity “bust-out” business model is right up there on my list. The Electoral College and gerrymandering also deserve top spots.
Civil Asset Seizure by Police
That’s a great one.
Non medically indicated infant circumcision
Municipal building codes that are not available to the public. Good luck with your home inspection!
Limited liability corporations. The amount of damage such entities are capable of inflicting is enormous. The allowable checks on their behavior are pretty minimal.
Legal where?
Slavery and genocide are still things that exist with official government sanction.
For profit healthcare.
A case could be made for “being a billionaire” having a spot on the list for sure.
There’s probably a whole category that can be dedicated to legal things that make a significant contribution to global warming.
Indeed, all are terrible. But the most visceral reaction I have is the child beauty pageants. So gross, tarting up 5 year olds, for the parent’s financial gain.
Schools that have bus pick-ups at 6:25am, and lunch breaks at 9am.
Presidential pardons after an election.
A president who lies pretty much all the time.
We’re seeing some especially vile examples of those now, but do keep in mind that in less-insane times that’s the only chance that genuinely deserving but politically difficult pardons for people like non-violent drug offenders have any chance of catching a break.
Understood. Would be good if presidents had the guts to make these decisions when something real is on the line. I’d have more confidence in their strength of character then.
ETA: presidents have a lot of power and authority to sic the attorney general on unjust prosecutions. They have options besides pardons.
Burning fossil fuels. Chopping down forests. Filling the oceans with waste plastic.
Failing to preserve the life support systems of planet Earth.
Unfair terms of service imposed by large powerful companies on their customers. Like when banks bury in the fine print that you waive your right to sue, in favor of mediation in front of a mediator that the bank chooses.
It should not be possible to make you waive certain basic rights, like the right to legal redress when you are wronged.