Reddit's "penmanship porn" is loaded with stunning handwriting examples

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This makes me want to practice my penmanship. My cursive is the suck now as I have been printing mostly thanks to learning it again in a drafting class and easier reading of my lab notes.


My handwriting has improved a great deal since I started keeping notes on an iPad Pro. If I write too sloppily, the recognizer isn’t able to figure out what I wrote. So if I want to search my notes or generate a text version, I have to take a little bit of care.


Understand that I do not say this lightly, but SQUEEEEEE!

That is the most glorious subreddit of all time. I used to love calligraphy, but my own handwriting has become so awful that I have now created a write only language that not even I can read. This takes me back and makes me dream of more legible days!


My mom had the most beautiful penmanship. I guess there’s not many distractions in a small town in Minnesota in the 1940s. In January.


My handwriting is for me and only me because it sometimes seems like no one else can read it.


this one is good


Back in middle and high school I’d type a lot of my homework simply because it was faster and easier to read. I got teased by the other kids occasionally for being a suck up. So one day when someone said something I flipped my notebook around and said, “Can you read this?”, which was meet with an umm and no? - exactly. Some days I can barely read it.

Ironically my wife has at least 4 different writing styles. You can guess who is going to be in charge of teaching the kids to write.

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… School?

Well she’ll at least help them do that part of their homework…

I was quite a script-a-holic as a child…
until everybody says your writing is so neat

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Did some calligraphy with a knitting needle on some copper tape atop a stack of napkins. It was extremely satisfying.

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My writing looks like I did it with my left foot.

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AKA Guy Fawkes, AKA the patsy who was executed while the real planners of the Gunpowder Plot walked free.

My handwriting is like porn.

But like that wired Brazilian shit, or perhaps like German fetish porn at my best moments…


Who were the real planners then? Some very prominent people were executed for being part of the gunpowder plot.

The only alternative I could find was a claim that it was a false flag attack by Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, and there isn’t much evidence for that (if there is any at all).

Whoops; mea culpa. I thought that he’d been the only one caught, but that’s not the case.

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