Originally published at: http://boingboing.net/2017/06/24/paleopodcasting.html
Trapped on a satellite… A satellite of love?
I doubt that’s accidental, all things considered.
pam pam pam
I wonder if I have one of the TV shirts somewhere… (TVO pledge goodie.)
There are a lot of episodes on YouTube.
I may be wrong but as I understand it the episodes available online are all that remains of PoG - the original raw footage of the interviews was thrown out by TVO in a misguided spasm of “efficiency” - resulting in hours of un-aired interview material being lost forever. Ted would know what’s up with that. A tragedy but at least we have a good chunk of the finished shows to revisit.
Rick’s a really cool guy and when he’s not doing shows with The Frantics he’s an advocate for those living with ADD/ADHD through TotallyADD.com
I still have mine. These are partial images:

The show was brilliant.
Rick Green also co-wrote The Red Green Show, and played Bill (Adventures With Bill) on that show.
Oh, it’s that Rick Green.
I thought he looked familiar.
Another great show of his is this one.
Host Rick Green
Oh man! I was going to mention his work as “Bill” on Red Green, but someone beat me to it - completely forgot about History Bites.
There was a break-in at the studios once where they did Red Green, and among the things stolen were a couple of Bill stand-in dummies. Must have been fans.
Rick is one of Canada’s greatest hidden treasures.
I just wish the dvd set was still being printed or a high quality stream.
Actually Robbo, the original betacam tapes of all of the PoG interviews were all kept. TVO has recently been digitizing the original shows as well. Hopefully they will, at some point, make them available via their website. I’m lucky enough to have a number of shows that I had transferred to DVD. I’ve watched a few of them recently and they hold up surprisingly well. In the Geek’s Guide interview I said that I suspected that our show on homosexuality would be one that had not aged well. But thanks to the inclusion in that show of openly gay authors including Samuel R. Delaney, Melissa Scott and Jewel Gomez, the show isn’t as awkward as I feared that it might be 25 years on.
Shout out to Chip! He was one of my favorite professors.
HUZZAH! That’s awesome to know, Gregg. Thanks!
This one never made it to Boston MA. I would have loved to have seen it. Surprisingly we did get “The Red Green Show”. Hilarious!!!
This show made a huge difference in my life. I wouldn’t have discovered so, so many writers without it.
Speaking of the Frantics… they’ve been releasing best ofs of their old CBC Radio shows as podcasts. Been fun to rediscover them.
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