Removing love locks from bridges

Well, not nice bridges at any rate.

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There was at least one time a locksport organization (I think it was TOOOL) got permission to remove love locks. But in general the rules of locksport forbid the picking of locks you do not own, so removing a love lock is a no-no. (Some locksporters do it anyway.) The topic remains somewhat controversial in the locksport community. Anyway, with the property owners permission, picking them is fine: the problem is that many city officials will just say “no” to someone asking for permission to pick them. Lock picking sounds criminal to people who have no knowledge of locksport.


Since the municipality has asserted de-facto ownership of the structure, and the lock is not protecting personal property (eg. a bicycle) this is no different than a landlord hiring a locksmith/handyperson to remove a lone padlock from a long gone tenant.

The municipality is the official agency asserting ownership of these abandoned locks as abandoned property, and thus is the correct agency to grant permission. In that case, an organizer could have city officials, lock pickers, and law enforcement meet before the event, and present to represent the owners interest of any incidental locked items (municipal owned locks and access gates.)


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