Reporter and cameraman murdered by gunman live on air

I work in a portion of the former Colt complex* in Hartford, CT. This is on one of the adjoining buildings, still under renovation.

* isn’t it, though.

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The “normal” violence we have become accustomed to rarely gets on the national news. It is a blip on the local news if you live in the area. KC has murders and when I see the local news it gets a mention and that is it. We expect these poor areas to be violent and the nations care-o-meter barely moves when something happens there again. (Of course there are people who care and stage awareness programs etc, but it rarely gets national attention).

The outliers, when the violence creeps into the middle class and wealthier neighborhoods is when it makes the news. It is why people have a view that there is a lot of black on white crime, even though that number is very low. And while a crazy person shooting up the school is horrible and sensationalistic, it is a cherry on top of the gun crime milk shake.

As for doing nothing, not sure what you want me to do. I’d vote for legalization of drugs which I think would reduce a lot of violence, just as the end of prohibition greatly reduced the gangster warfare. I know people want more gun laws - but we have a shit ton of gun laws already. Unless you do a ban and confiscate like in the UK, you aren’t going to affect gun crime with more laws because there are already so many out there in the underground, and most of the criminals get their guns through this network of family and friends.

Everyone wants freedom until someone wants something different than you.


Sounds about right. I bet almost every illegal gun was legal at some point in it’s journey.

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Noooo. No. No. No.

I have never called shit like this “false flag”. I think that is the height of stupid. There is no conspiracy. It is evil people doing evil things - or sick people doing sick things - or desperate people doing desperate things. Which is the same it has been since the dawn of man. There are people who think 9/11 was an inside job or that Newton was faked. I question those peoples’ sanity and would argue they probably shouldn’t own guns.


but the next shiny thing that pops up will distract everyone and then it’s business as usual.

I will bet that the next shiny thing is trump related.

Sad, but you are probably correct.

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I wish this whole right wing myth of violence in Chicago would just pass out of existence. I lived in Chicago for most of my life and in many different neighborhoods throughout the city, most average, some not so good, and never saw or knew anyone that was ever a victim of gun violence. Theft? sure a few. Rarely even heard guns going off except on the 4th and when the Bulls won their championships (sometimes by off duty cops). Moved to (central) Tucson AZ and gun violence is everywhere in comparison. Experienced it first hand and gunfire is going off almost weekly. AZ is a gun-lovin’ state so take that for what it’s worth.


Yeah, disgruntled pretty much encapsulates ‘actually having to work for a living’ if you ask me. Another term would be better.

I’ve seen the footage. This is it, man. We’ve officially reached meta/post-meta age. Baudrillard is spinning in his grave and Charley Brooker is the new seer. Dystopia is here. We’re doomed. It shall all only get worse from here. I’m out. Peace and love to all, even though it will hardly matter.


It isn’t a myth. Look at that stats. But the violence is localized in a few areas, and Chicago is a huge city. So you can walk around like 98% of it and be just fine.


I don’t know if these stats are accurate… But Chicago seems to have a pretty significantly higher murder rate than Tucson (per 1,000 residents) in 2013. About 70% higher. Of course, neither of them compare to the likes of Baltimore or Detroit or New Orleans.

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Not to mention how we’ve been arming the Mexican narcocartels.


What no love for my hometown of St. Louis in the #3 spot per wikipedia? Admittedly thats 2012 data.

I am always amazed that mere cities in the US can have more homicides a year than Canada does as a whole…


I am always amazed that mere cities in the US can have more homicides a year than Canada does as a whole…

Toronto has more murders each year than Liechtenstein, Monaco, Anguilla, Montserrat, Iceland, Andorra, and Tonga combined.

If Toronto wasn’t so damn cold I’d make the move.

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Cast the gunman’s name from memory. Speak of him only in clinical detatchment rather than shouted through the airwaves above and over the names of those who were slain.

Their names are the ones the public must latch onto. Not the killer.

We need to understand ‘why’ and ‘what lead to this’ so hopefully we can prevent more. However I do not want this guy’s name to be blasted through the air and social media. Deny him that kind of fame.

Damned from Memory.


If your point is Canada can do better, absolfuckinglutely, I agree.

BTW, Winnipeg is the murder capital of Canada, Toronto’s crime rate is actually below the national average.


Most of the time it isn’t. But it depends on what you call ‘cold’. I mean, I think anyone who lives south of the Mason-Dixon line is a bit insane for the summer heat spells they must endure.


Well, I would hope so. Toronto has also more than four times the population of all those nations combined. And for a city of over two and a half million souls, the whopping 45 homicides they recorded in 2011 is kinda miraculous. L.A. had 251 murders in 2013, which was a 16% drop from the previous year. The 314 murders in 2009 represented a 50-year-low in L.A.'s homicide rate. (L.A. now has almost 4 million residents within city limits.)

I think Toronto’s doing okay in that department.