Republicans ask SCOTUS to limit women's access to health care further

So technically it doesn’t ban sending all that stuff across state borders, it bans sending it by US Post.

How do they plan to stop companies shipping by private courier services?


A later act applied it to common carriers, like railways. Private courier services like FedEx are common carriers, but that looks like a very murky legal area.

However, somebody with a van probably isn’t a common carrier, even if they charge for it, and a friend in from out-of-state with an extra suitcase definitely isn’t.


Nope. The various Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Acts that formed and govern the FDA are separate laws. Just like they operate separately from recreational drug laws, they operate separately from the Comstock Act. And just like drug laws, one can be in compliance with FDA regulations and be in violation of the other.


The weird sadness of Little British xenophobia is that despite 300 years of Empire, the population of the UK is still 92% White, and something which helped it stay like that was EU membership which enabled our mainly White European neighbours to come and make new lives here. There was a time in the late 1990s when you could not move for Polish waitresses and plumbers. Yet one of the rallying cries for Brexit was the desire to take back control of the borders, and level the playing field, to make it as easy (in truth, as difficult) for an Indian or Nigerian to get a visa as for a French or Slovenian person.

Those kind of people have been rewarded with the highest immigration levels in history in recent years which has freaked them out majorly.

My father, in his dotage, influenced by the Daily Telegraph, has waking delusions about “migrants” invading his home and stealing his stuff, while his doctor is from Malaysia, his carer is from the Philipines and his daughters-in-law are from Japan and the USA.

In my ideal world there would not be any restrictions on peoples’ ability to move to where they think they can make a better life. I’m not sure why people want to come to the UK now. We are in a bit of a pickle at the moment and prospects seem rather bleak. I suppose they are even bleaker in many other places.

Sorry for the rant. I am still in a food induced delirium from such a delicious Thai meal yesterday evening that I was barely able to walk out of the restaurant.


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