Researchers identify personality profiles of conspiracy theorists

I actually thought about that years ago. I think they’d sniff out my disdain for their religion pretty quickly, though.

My favorite graphic for conspiracy theorists.


In military strategy, there’s a notion of “fog of war”. A tactician doesn’t always know the strength of his adversary. He might not even know where his own troops are. Messages aren’t always transmitted at the speed of light.

Conspiracies often assume a robust command and control network where none actually exists. They assume perfect knowledge when the opposite is just as likely.


Like if all the members of a political party were to knowingly echo the lies and cover up the evil deeds of a single man who wants to take down society? /s (?)

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For the most part Trumpies agree that 45 has done a lot of bad things. They just don’t care because they see that as a low price for all the pain he’s caused the “liberal elite”.

Hey you guys!! I found the illuminati!!!

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And I also hear them repeat “Trump’s looking out for the average/working man/misfire class” yet there is a mountain of evidence in his own words, deeds and those of reporters, encompassing Trump’s entire adult life, that the exact opposite is the truth.

at best, he’s a friend of a friend of the working class.

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Operation Gladio was definitely real, stayed hidden for 40 years and could well have involved 1000’s in one way or another. But I don’t think the difference is numbers, it’s a qualitative difference, not a quantitative difference. To the extent that the Deep State does, or does not exist in Turkey, we can be pretty certain it bears little or no resemblance to the Deep State conjured in the imaginations of QAnon believers.

It should be no big surprise to find out that narcissism and paranoid ideation are two of the traits identified in the paper. Conspiracy theorizing resembles nothing as much as a desperate search for an explanation, any explanation, rather than except there isn’t any single one, that the world is run through a seething mess of accident, inertia and conflicting power interests for the most part shortsighted and entirely self-centered (much like real conspiracies).

Under the belief in a shadowy conspiracy that runs the world is its twin the pure, uncorrupted opposite system, bringing about justice that would exist if it had not been corrupted so (and scarcely more believable). Its possible to argue that the problem with conspiracy theorists is not that they go too far, too deep, but that they don’t go far enough: there’s no conspiracy, its just business as usual.


I learned a new word last week:


… while listening to some deep-dive journos on WNYC:

September 25, 2020

Spheres of Influence

Conspiracy theories are spreading like wildfire on YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. This week, On the Media examines the role their slicker sister site Instagram plays in spreading disinformation online. … 1. OTM Reporter Leah Feder [@leahfeder] investigates how QAnon has infiltrated and donned the Instagram aesthetic, contributing to a toxic stew known as “conspirituality.”


This was a good insight for me. The question I have about conspiracy theorists is why don’t they buy into the bad things that are well known, well reported, well established. I mean, if you are going to believe that there is a shadowy conspiracy of politicians sexually abusing minors in America, why be so sure that it’s the democrats in the pizza parlour basement when everyone knows it’s rich people in general (democrats included) on Epstein’s private island?

The weird thing is that people think billionaires are running the world in secret. They are doing it quite openly.


I like the no-conspiracy theory, that the world is so fucked because NOBODY runs it. What is my personality profile?


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