Originally published at: Retired educator teaches youth geometry and math through quilting, and they love it | Boing Boing
Next up, cooking as chemistry!
Turns out, all those ‘lesser’ housewifery activities are, in fact, based on high level skills.
Which housewives knew all along!
This lady is strangely similar to the other master quilters I know: Badass!
If you don’t have one in your life yet go find a seamstress and spend time with them.
Kind of funny how most expensive projects back in the day had women working as the failsafe, like continuity in film making, eh?
I remember reading a Sunday comic strip in HS in which one the main characters was a housewife reentering the paid workforce. The interviewer, a man, asked if she had any practical job experience. She ran down a list of managing an annual budget without going over, managing subordinates, maintaining a tight schedule, and meeting strict deadlines.
As she ran down the list, there were thought bubbles of her taking care of her family. And I was thinking: “yeah, of course! Makes total sense.” It’s stuck with me all these years.
In the last panel she was offered the job.
I wish that real life was more like that comic strip, where that kind of labor was actually valued… sadly, it’s often not the case.
Sewing is hard! Requires fine motor skills and 4-dimensional planning and visualization. I’ve been trying to teach myself so I can make costumes and doll clothes. It’s been a long, slow slog. Now that COVID restrictions are lifting, I think I’ll sign up for a class.
I do my best to incorporate that into my own hiring decisions. Right now I have a really good subordinate, better than me. I’m actively working to get her the experience she needs to move to the next level. I’d be fortunate and proud if she becomes my boss one day.
Thanks for making things a little better in the world then!
… applied topology.
– Kathy, Empress of Transadelphia
Do. It.
A truly wonderful thing! And then this:
Baking is science. Cooking is art.
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