Retired Navy SEAL explains how to prepare for dangerous situations

That what I mostly do. But sometimes they are pretty and female and then all caution is thrown to the wind.

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They are 40% owned by Univision (not that there’s anything wrong with that).

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Yeah, Wired continues it journey into The Vapid.

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You’re creating a dangerous situation all by yourself right there!

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Now, now. I watched a long-running documentary series about a group of former special forces operatives who always managed to find the time to craft whatever they needed.

That’s what sets these people apart. They see the situation ahead of time.

While we’re still thinking “Ho hum, I’m sure I was supposed to buy something else - was it toothpaste?”, they’re already busily building a howitzer out of pringles cans and a few items from the laundry aisle to take out the marauding bear that’s going to crash through the door in 5, 4, 3, 2…


As they used to say in the Burning Man DPW: Safety Third!

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Besides the corporate raiding of its properties done by its upper management and loading it with untenable debt.

So the A-Team and MacGuyver were really more documentaries than we previously imagined

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Situational awareness is good for detecting, handling and avoiding dangerous situations. On the other hand, it is not without side effects concerning your ability to relax and enjoy life when you’re not dealing with dangerous situations on a regular basis.

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