Reuters: Amazon's own documents prove it copied successful products

Originally published at: Reuters: Amazon's own documents prove it copied successful products | Boing Boing


I don’t think you’ll find anyone will argue that Bezos is a wonderful human being contributing to the betterment of planet Earth, unless they are on his payroll.


Nothing new about the wheeze—grocery stores have been doing this to name brands for decades

Grocery stores have been white labeling products—licensing a product made by someone else to sell under the store brand—but that is a mutually consensual arrangement. But what you’re saying Amazon is doing seems to be a whole other level of subterfuge.


There is stealing Amazon style as well. Stores that identify products that sell well and make copies under their own brand without any licensing agreement. Not much a small company can do against a big retailer. It’s just a coincidence the products are rather similar and try to prove anything else.


Most name brands insist they don’t make white-label stuff for grocery stores, don’t they?

Wal-Mart cola, for example, is not made for it by Coca-Cola or Pepsi. It’s made for it by a bottling plant in Tampa owned by Cott.

Though I suppose it must be true that the contract you sign to get into Wal-Mart will include something amounting to “Coca-Cola/Nestlé/Pespi/Kraft etc is officially OK with Wal-Mart selling copycat products” whereas Amazon claims it doesn’t.


Maybe I’m wrong, but I thought that the denial of white labeling was a charade, because if the customer knew that the store brand canned corn was really Del Monte, for example, they would stop buying the more expensive Del Monte branded version. Also I know with Costco, it’s almost a game online to figure out which company really makes which Kirkland product. But it’s a big world, so it’s probable that both things are true.


Love the idea of multinational grocery conglomerate kayfabe


If this is illegal then why does Microsoft still exist

Lol, that’s a funny thought, but it doesn’t have to be that extreme. There’s an awful lot of corporate behavior that is hidden by non-disclosure agreements.

If a product is a perfect copy of a most sold items, it is a most sold item by definition. /s

That’s easy; Microsoft was fined a rather lot of money back in the elder days of the commercial internet for (essentially) killing Netscape by including internet explorer with the OS. There was a federal lawsuit that Microsoft ‘sort of’ lost, in that they had to do a few things, but by the time they got to it, the damage was done.

It’s the trope namer for “embrace, extend, extinguish”, which Microsoft continues to do to this day- Just look at the consumer version of Skype.

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So, we’re going to see Amazon face severe legal consequences for anti-competitive business practices right?


Wait, how much gets donated to various politicians? Oh…


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It’s uncanny.


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