Review: American Standard 735125-400.020 Toilet Tank Lid

Oh, I have a question on these, because I only encounter them rarely.
Does the larger button use more water, or is it larger because it is the more common (less water) option?
I could see the design going either way, and I’ve only encountered these when travelling, so haven’t had the chance to use the same toilet multiple times.

Only if it’s stored properly. Keep it out of direct sunlight.

Small button for half-flush (liquids) and big button for full flush (solids).

In our household, we go with the “if it’s yellow let it mellow; if it’s brown flush it down” methodology.

All I know is that the stuff they buy for work bathrooms, Heavenly Soft ™ - isn’t.

I wonder if newspaper does too . . .

We got it at a plumbing store, not Amazon, but your point still holds.

Things are going to shit everywhere.

My ass disagrees.

Hmm, there is a market for

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When, and from where, exactly? The void?

Getting stuffed is so Robert Bloch.
Or Roald Dahl.
Either way, it’s making Rob look more of an ornament. I dislike the thought of him having around just for décor.

I’m not going to search Amazon for vintage toilet paper now. But surely someone will, to the benefits of affiliate links.

Ahhwww, heck, someone else with the same pattern of thinking. Hey, you from the void or what? Get back in line until I made my witty comment on the toilet topic!

See, this is definitely somewhere on Amazon or eBay.

That’s because the throughput is to high. It didn’t have the time to age well.

ETA: @anon55609254! I’m bested, again! I’m definitely not on a roll, neither Charmin nor Angel Soft.

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I’m still wondering what special occasion @someguy is saving that '83 Charmin for.

Does anyone know of TP that really is still soft? Maybe I should get a bidet.

I wonder how many years it would take for Scott TP to become usable?

American Standard is a world-wide brand. They are one of the world’s biggest maker of squat toilets.

I’ve seen them throughout China, Thailand and Laos, though not as many here in Cambodia. The toilet next to my office is an american standard sit down toilet, with no flush. There is a cistern next to the toilet and you pour a couple of scoops of water by hand to flush. We had the exact same toilet in my house when I was living in Bangkok 15 years ago.

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And the 50 gallon barrel of lube in always in the recommended items.

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For cat-weighing I picked up what I guess is best described as a deli-counter scale at a thrift store. Built like a tank with a beautiful vacuum fluorescent display.

Second-hand commercial goods can often be a better value that brand-new residential goods of questionable quality.


On our toilet, both buttons do a half flush. So if you want a full flush, you press both at the same time. I’m sure not all toilets are the same however.

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Pah, kids today…

First world problems!

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Ain’t it the truth.

Toilet paper being an exception.


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