Ronald Reagan sure made great Mac and Cheese

You clearly know a thing about tastelessness.

I’d call you ghoulish but it’s too close to goulash, which you clearly don’t deserve!


I must be the only person that uses the box.

My recipe:
Box of cheap-ass store brand mac and cheese in a box
Leave out the milk (I usually don’t have it around), double the butter
add copious amounts of real cheddar
add can of tuna
add tabasco to taste
If I’m feeling healthy add broccoli.


I was hoping for some James Buchanan fan art, left disappointed :frowning:

I did manage to find this one of both Presidents Harrison:

Not bad, considering one died a month after becoming President, and the other was President despite never winning the popular vote.

I googled ‘what your favorite cheese says about you’ and soon learned that I’m apparently an interesting person, a freethinker, a liar, a cheat, and a horrible human being. I see no reason to think that any of these, in any combination, are contradictory.

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I’m sorry not to have recognized you, Mr. Former President.


That isn’t really Swiss cheese; that’s American swiss processed cheesefood.
Emmenthaler and Gruyère are lovely cheeses with a good firm texture and a bite that ranges from mild to eye-watering.


I’ll box sometimes. I grew up on it so box mac has a lot of nostalgia for me. I don’t always put tuna in it but I do pretty frequently.

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So of course I had to try, too!


You are everything. Don’t let anyone else tell you anything different.

Damn straight!

Huff Post:

People always tell you that you “march to the beat of your own drummer,” but you think you’re actually pretty normal. You love long walks on the beach, red wine and 80s action movies.

80’s action movies? Sigh. And I know I’m not normal. :wink:

Spoon University(?):

Your personality is an acquired taste, just like the noted blue cheese flavor. Although viewed as a strong influence, you are knowledgeable and wise. People often seek your advice.

It’s like they know me! :grin:

(It should be noted that my answers were different on each site because they each offered a different selection to choose between.)


That’s a kinda bizarre comment. It has a very strong taste, of, well, paprika. How else would you make the various kinds of Gulasch?

Granted, you need a much larger amount than with most other spices, but it’s not exactly expensive.

seems like you should muddle the zest of the lemon with the sugar to draw out the oils

Speaking of, the place where I often buy sandwiches for lunch makes a mean tuna melt. It seems so blah, and I don’t know why it occurred to me to order it in the first place (other than, having honestly thought about it, I couldn’t recall when I’d actually had one). But, done a certain way, it’s great: where the tuna spreads out onto the grill, it gets browned and the end result tastes like corned beef hash (which, presumably, everyone loves).

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