Rules for Regulars

Yes. I’ve mentioned this, a few times by now.

But then again, as someone who was an almost-but-not-quite-regular for the longest time, then regular’ed instantly by grinding the questions thread (which is why I pick on that one), then lost it, regained it, and lost it again by, well, not being regular enough: it makes no real difference, does it?

I mean, a flauntable title under your name is fun for the first few times you see it, but everything else? I’ve never ran out of likes ever, the title-correcting power is of marginal use to begin with and further nerfed by having no effect on the category or the post title outside the BBS. The lounge was fun, if uneventful, but it’s not like there were dozens of interesting regular-only conversations going on.


I do kind of want my ‘egomaniac’ badge for rampant self-quoting and/or self-linking. I think I’m podium-level in that around here, if literally nothing else. Slackers.