Russian teen on 'how-to impersonate an American' at a protest

Is the point of the tik tok to make fun of americans or give useful instruction to Russians protesting so they can avoid arrest? I mean either way cool. I feel like the last 4 years have given me a glimpse of what it would be like to be living in Russia for the last twenty years.

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I completely lost my tea on my keyboard at “gonna”.

Kuddos, kiddo.


Forgot the ultimate privilege power move:
Hold up hand and say “Enough.”


To the extent this is useful, it’s probably useful in that it just makes goon go on to the next guy in a crowd , because whatever else, there’s paperwork involved in policing and there has to be more paperwork involved in arresting an American than a Russian.


True, but these are the kind of cops who shoot first and ask questions dump the body in the incinerator back at HQ later.


@jlw I dunno Jason, could maybe sound like Muir Beach, CA or Santa Monica, CA. I mean, as long as we’re throwing stones.

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you will come with us. we will send someone to get it.

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To become a Yellow Belt Karen, she needs to also master these two classics: “I want your badge number!” and “What is the name of your supervisor?”


Although she is not making a partisan statement, watching them makes me feel like a Karen looking in the mirror and seeing

Here is her TikTok feed.

In there are really excellent language lessons for the very confounding mishmash that became present day English. In this one she is explaining the difference between “I used to” (I did something in the past) and “I’m used to” (I am accustomed to), concluding with “I used to have 10,000 followers on TikTok. Now I’m still not used to being famous.”

O my goodness. She has this one with a friend and one of them says “I like summer.” Reply: “Me, too.” Pic insert: Harvey Weinstein. :laughing: :rofl: :heart_eyes:


Another example she uses is “I’m used to driving on the left”, so perhaps she used to live in Britain. (Wealthy Russians like to send their children to boarding schools in the UK, so that they will learn to speak fluent English and meet…the children of other wealthy Russians.)


Also, “The hoTEL,” not, “The HOtel.”

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Aren’t most security/defense strategies an effort to make someone else an easier or more appealing target than yourself?

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Utterly fantastic - but how effin’ sad that someone so young should have to prepare for such things

She’s just like the savvy revolutionary protagonists of a Cory Doctorow novel (there are riots in a fictionalised Soviet-type state in the opening of his latest for example)…

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Will Russia now be claiming that America sent protestors?

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The pretty much do already. All these anti-Putin protests and opposition movements are portrayed as the result of Western agitators, because after all what real Russian would oppose the glorious Shirtless Wonder on their own?


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