Russia's former Lego stores rebrand as "World of Cubes"

Thank you for this correction.

I thought there may be a translation at issue, and it did occur to me that “square” as in “Red Square” could be more like “plaza” or “village green” (ok, Red Square is paved…) or some other synonym for “city center, it’s flat and public, people gather there.”

I appreciate what you bring to the party (heh) because I don’t have much familiarity with the Russian language. Here’s what I do know:


I do actually know that one.

And I used to listen to Kino in the late '80s:


It’s the same with Tiananmen Square. 广场 could just as easily be Plaza.


I have several of their albums. Kino, Chiz & Co., Krematoriy, Mummy Troll, and Agata Kristi (Agatha Christie) we’re among my favorite bands when I lived there.

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This! This is especially important for stacking, which people generally take for granted. You can stack 1000 LEGO bricks, then stack another 1000 next to it, and they’ll be the same height. That is very difficult to do from a manufacturing standpoint, and almost nothing we use in daily life passes that test. Lumber doesn’t, masonry doesn’t, cellphones don’t… If each of those LEGO bricks was off by even 25 microns (one thousandth of an inch), those stacks would differ by as much as an inch (2.5cm) in height, and you couldn’t put a bridge piece across the top of them. That’s an extreme example to make the point, but it really does matter for building structures out of stacked components that all those components be made incredibly well.


Especially these days, “Russian” and “better” aren’t directly linked.


Verily, it is exciting to contemplate what video game spinoffs may arise.

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