Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2017/10/04/santas-tomb-possibly-found.html
Is this an example of Christmas creep?
I would have sacrificed my sister for this.
That’s just his mortal form. Like Hercules - the fire burned away the mortal part of him, leaving only the god Santa Claus.
Looks like he lost the war on Christmas.
No worries, sociopathically aggressive commercialization and Christmas displays in September ruined Christmas decades ago.
I thought Santa’s Tomb was an 11-level dungeon published by TSR back in the good old days. The undead elfkind in the lower levels… [shudder] And those animated toys!
Wasn’t Santa Claus that dude in the Bible who rose from the dead on the 12th day of Christmas?
I sure hope that instead of a Gelatinous Cube it was replaced with a Cube of Fruit Cake
Edit: seems like Wizards of the Coast is ahead of me. Seems more like a Golem, tis labeled an elemental in the wallpaper…close enough.
I guess I’ll double down.
Creepy Christmas creep.