Scarface, well known and photographed Yellowstone grizzly bear, shot dead

It certainly doesn’t help that the major proponents seem to be afraid of everything.


Or that it is your ground to begin with… Seems someone has to question these things for the event toi even arise tho.


FACT: This endangered grizzly bear was found shot to death.
FACT: It is illegal to shoot grizzly bears except in self defense.
FACT: No one has come forward indicating this bear threatened themselves or anyone else.

ASSUMPTION: Someone shot this bear to death, most likely without legal justification.

Of course that might just be my crazy-ass-left-wing-conspiracy-side talking.


When I kill wildlife in self defense in a national park I tell a ranger, because that’s ALSO a serious law. Same one with the same authority that says don’t kill them. Same law, same enforcement.


Earth First got there a while ago>


Not reporting it is also a crime.


Bozeman daily Chronicle 11/17/2015 - " A hunter shot and killed a grizzly bear in the Tom Miner Basin this weekend, telling officials the bear was attacking him". The hunter reported the shooting immediately, and the shooting was not in a National Park.

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The grizzly is threatened, not endangered. The shooting was reported shortly after it occurred. I am curious- where did this:
“FACT: No one has come forward indicating this bear threatened themselves or anyone else.” come from? I admit that much of the coverage of this story is sparse and contradictory, but Fish and Game not naming the person who reported the shooting is not the same as saying that nobody reported the shooting.

Sounds like you were inspired to research and learn more of the facts, the ones most relevant to you. That it wasn’t spoonfed to you, to your taste, by a blogger (and larger media) of questionable competence and bias… is that a bad thing?

Quite honestly, why not cover it on your blog? Be the change you wish to see?

And, that is a nice spread. Thanks for that picture.

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There’s no time to wait for more details! Details might make this a complete non news item then there’d be none of those juicy juicy outrage views.



Thank you. I don’t get most of the credit for the property, as previous generations worked very hard to keep it pristine.
I have tried blogging, but I don’t have the self discipline to update regularly. And I travel a lot.

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Hunting or no, somebody’s gonna put an eye out on that fence.

Well, the fence is gone. I liked it, but my Dad disagreed. It is no longer there…

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Regardless, I am envious. My current “backyard” is a filthy hallway frequently littered with various dead-end degenerates much like myself.

Bukowski can go fuck himself; there’s nothing seedily romantic about an SRO. It just flat-out sucks.


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