Schneier: when the NSA comes to your company's door, fight!

I would start by calling your rep and senator demanding an end to the NSA domestic spying program. My rep’s aid lost it when I brought to his attention that XKeyScore was in the hands of foreign governments. He practically did a spit take when I said, “Let me get this straight, did you guys sell out the American people to foreign governments?” In the short term we need to change votes. We were very close to passing a house bill to defund the NSA domestic spying program.

I really like the rootstrickers setup. The door to door canvassing can be very helpful. The problem is we need to start a campaign directly addressing the issues of total government surveillance that doesn’t respect basic human rights, law, and the constitution.

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On a related note, might as well point out that it wasn’t really a “Cold” War, either.

Not that it has anything to do with the post, but I’m a big fan of grappling theory and its an old post so I’ll bite. Next time you’re training (I assume you do) put a rear naked choke on your partner and invite them to reach for your eye or ear. Of course, do it with mock strength. You can easily avoid his hand by moving your head to the other side of his head and back again, as needed. And besides, the defender would only have about 3 seconds of blind grabbing before going out cold.

And an interesting thing about this picture is there’s actually no choke happening yet. It looks a little bit like a rear naked choke, but the attacker a) can’t choke someone with only one arm, so he needs to apply leverage with his left hand or elbow, and b) he needs to get his left foot over the guy’s hip to prevent him from spinning around into him. Right now he’s just setting it up, and the guy being back mounted is defending by grabbing the choker’s hand, and is being countered by having that hand grabbed back.

Ok, a little confused about the picture… Is the guy GETTING choked supposed to be MY company or the NSA??

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