Scholastic Book Fair allegedly bows to censorship

What if, in the meantime, book-banners fuck off back under a rock and then we stand on the rock?


Its time to remind people of this

Tiny Banned Book Library

As more states and school districts work to stifle access to information and censor what the youth can have access to, the more ways we have to find to circumvent these bans. Bring a router and a server to school, keep it in a bag. Plug them into a spot that’s hidden between a folding room divider. In the back of filing cabinets. Boot your chromebook into an OS off a USB and run Calibre. Broadcast all the books that they ban. Broadcast information about youth liberation, about the destructiveness of an educational system based in white supremacy. Give everyone access to books about deschooling, zines about where to get hormones, find healthcare, or get access to birth control. They won’t know how to stop it. They won’t know who is doing it. Never tell anyone where the servers are. Show up every day and broadcast the information they don’t want you to see. Make a walking tiny library of banned books and banned information.

Let’s create thousands of banned book libraries.


I don’t suppose extra helping of diverse books is also an option?

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It’s impossible to imagine a scenario where “the shoe was on the other foot” because, almost by definition, the close-minded authoritarians are always the ones policing freedom of thought.

It’s like saying “what if the pacifists were the ones rounding up and slaughtering the militants?” The question doesn’t make any sense because if pacifists did that they would no longer be pacifists.


Rise above! Higher and higer…Just think about it until darvo seems like compassion!!! What if, like, the victims were the aggressors ya know?

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I certainly don’t want them, but I’m not trying to eliminate or control them, either.

Nope. You’re setting up a false dichotomy. Mein Kampf is available to read. The Turner Diaries is available to read. Those opposed to “conservatives” (if we’re talking about book burning, they aren’t actually conservative, they’re reactionaries) fight bad information with good information, not fire.


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