Originally published at: School messaging app used to send Goatse image to thousands of parents | Boing Boing
Shocking! Coincidentally, I just got off the phone with the Littlest Peas school district help desk because his login and pw wasn’t working. The info packet sent home listed it as studentid@schooldistrict.org with the pw being the same student ID used in the login, which…
But then the help desk tech told me that I must have been given outdated info because now all passwords are “12345”.
Yes, I immediately changed it.
Frankly, I’m amazed that goatse of all things is still the image of choice for the modern script kiddies to this day!
Maybe it was a fun day at the script kiddie retirement home.
Used to be the new desktop image for my IT coworkers if they left their workstation unlocked.
Us too, but like… 15 years ago.
This feels like a real throwback for some reason…
Bahaha that’s terrific. I wanna help this kid pay for college.
This…this right here MADE MY DAY
Oooooooh! High security! At the company I work for it’s “1234” for the default password.
Which never expires
You can’t expect script kiddies to come up with something new.
My favorite goatse story.
I was teaching the honors section of class back in the days when the Rick Roll was on the rise. Being honors, all the students were allowed/expected to bring a laptop to class.
At some point during the lecture/discussion, the Rick Roll came up, and I was like “Pfft. You kids have it LUCKY. Back in my day, we had something called the “gotase.””
Student “Sir, what’s a goatse?”
Me: “For the love of god, do NOT look it up!”
Student “Why?”
Me: “Because what has been seen cannot be UNseen, and you don’t want that living in your head”
Student “Oh ok.”
Me : “Good. Really. Don’t”
…5 minutes later…“OH MY GOD!! NOooOOooo”
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