Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/01/30/science-answers-why-is-pee-yellow.html
Biliruben you say?
Lyrics in English if you’re curious. The song is a jam and pretty nostalgic from my childhood.
So is it better to have faint yellow, as that is “optimal” vs fully?
Oh, I found a reboing. What do I win? …Or lose?
Huh, I wonder how I missed the first one?
I’ve taught our kid to check the color of urine and the look of feces and what means good health and what tells us we need adjustments. kii-kitten was annoyed when I dropped one of those toilet bowl additives in to try and get a stubborn stain off the bowl. “How I am supposed to check if my pee is too yellow!” I reassured kitt-kitten this was a temporary thing. If it doesn’t get the stain off, I won’t be using it again.
But what makes snow yellow?
Very happy dogs
They left out super florescent yellow which means I am taking vitamins high in riboflavin or I gotta stop chewing on these highlighters.
I had to get my retinas scanned, and they injected me with some sort of dye in the process. Luckily they warned me to not be surprised when I next peed. Totally day-glow. It was like that scene when Vincent opens the briefcase in Pulp Fiction.
I’m peeing bilirubin reductase, right now!
So you’ll know not to eat the yellow snow?
… at least it’s not kerosene? /silly
Relax, it’s Lemon.
…I mean, that’s wonderful but going on for 4 min. accounts for more words than that? He must have said it 5 times at least? Hah, music with GC/LC accompaniment.
So if we eat enough inedible-by-humans-peas’ edible blossoms, can we have blue-teal ombre pee and discreet building details that benefit wonderfully from it and clean the air and an urban soil, or am I rushing that? Maybe I just described the Coconut Spider Jeopardy Palm of Costa Crackalacka?
Yeah the lyrics are more of a curiosity, as a kid i had no idea wtf he was talking about with the bilirubin but it’s a party/dance song and i recall people really loving that as a song to dance to.
It’s never lemon.
That’s one burning question answered. The other burning question being: why is it burning?