Scientists have potentially figured out a cooking method to cut calories from rice


could be a game-changing discovery in the battle against rising obesity rates…

Awesome! Nobody has ever promised one of those before!


I know I’m in the minority, but I tend towards being under-weight. I hope that I don’t have to eat a bunch of crap food to make up for all the calories removed from otherwise healthy food like rice. And I don’t understand why “healthier” equates to low-calorie. We need a minimum number of calories to survive, right? Are people getting too many calories eating rice, or is it from the beef and cheese they add to it? I’m sure my nutritional ignorance is showing now, but conflating “losing weight” and “being healthy” is one of my pet peeves.


The last time I looked, most of the excess calories people were consuming in first world countries came from added sugars, mostly fizzy drinks.


Never mind the weight loss issue.

This sounds like an interesting recipe and a convenient way to prepare a quantity of rice ahead of need that might help increase the number of meals I cook at home.


Well, that’s great except for the fact that rice is the staple of the people least likely to be involved in obesity epidemics. That will change soon as China and India continue to become wealthier! But right now it’s going to be limited impact. Especially for people like me who don’t actually like rice, and are otherwise happy to cut it from our diets completely.


My experience is that white rice has a medium-to-high glycemic index*. If this process keeps the nutrition and feeling of satisfaction while moderating or reducing the starch release, I call that a win.

* Still not as bad as a soft dinner roll though. I might as well just have a slice of cake, the effect is the same and the cake is a lot more fun.


Very skeptical…

Well, without bothering to read the article, there is evidence that the cooling process of starchy food changes its GI, reducing blood glucose spike. That is (still generally accepted as) good for anyone.


It’s delicious! Rice cooked in coconut oil is just fantastic :smile:

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From the article: “Obesity rates are rising around the world, particularly in the developing world, where people rely more heavily on cheaper food staples. China and India, which are already seeing rising obesity problems, are huge consumers of rice.”

This also has impact on diabetes, which has a higher risk tied to eating white rice.


So, fewer calories, but longer trips to the toilet.

Why not just eat less rice if one is getting too many calories?

Anyone remember Olestra?

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Pretty sure there was no promise made in that statement.

IMO, cooking rice with cocoanut oil is a prime example of unintended consequences. Cocoanut oil raises ‘bad cholesterol’. Read the comments in this article for example:

How Does Coconut Oil Affect Cholesterol? :: Quick and Dirty Tips ™

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Mr. Sokol, my annoying health-nut high school chemistry teacher, told us this in the 1970s, and provided experimental proof. Well, he claimed it was proof, I was a teenager and thus more interested in mooning over (devastatingly attractive) Carmen Dominguez than in understanding chemistry.

But, just as today, people get latched on to a meme and they won’t give it up. Apparently a counter-meme has started, that actually contains something closer to truth, so that’s good.

It works on potatoes too, according to my cow-orkers who monitor their blood sugar.

> Chilled potatoes form resistant starch, which is harder to digest. This, in turn, lowers their GI and prevents a sharp rise in blood sugar after eating them.

So if cook (and then chill) my potatoes (or other starches, maybe), can I then heat them up again without impact? Or do I have to eat them cold. Cause I will, you know.

Does this mean frozen oven chips/fries are healthy?

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At least with pasta, apparently heating it up again is better still, though that study is, afaict, not actually published in a peer reviewed journal, so read it with suitable caveats.

sounds like the stupidest idea ever unless it’s a cynical scheme to sell more rice by selling low calory rice around the world where many need as many calories a they can get.