Scientists just observed the largest explosion ever and it was made of Gamma Rays

Originally published at: Scientists just observed the largest explosion ever and it was made of Gamma Rays | Boing Boing





gamma being the highest energy electromagnetic particle/wave we can detect reliably; I find this wholly unsurprising.

No no no, gamma rays? who cares, every star is constantly pumping out tens of billions of gamma rays every microsecond, its why we need the ozone layer. to protect us from all that nasty Gamma, X-Ray radiation.

the real story is the exploding star that was likely 10-20x the size of our sun 2.4 BILLION light years away.

Gamma rays travel at the speed of light,
meaning this energy that just bombarded us has been moving towards our little ball of dirt uninterrupted since before the formation of the moon and the solidification of the Earths crust.

now THATS some mind blowing shit.

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