Screw Defeatism; Get Up & Fight

Didn’t this bill actually pass?

I agree it’s frustrating, and I hear how frustrated you are, but there are things we can do which work.

Here’s an example of something I did right on this bulletin board:

… and it worked. We elected two democratic senators on Georgia. I’m not saying I was personally responsible for that (I wasn’t) but I helped, as did many people on the bulletin board.


Confederate monuments are coming down all across the south… Check out what just went up in NOLA in place of a Jefferson Davis statue

And there is a serious discussion beginning about the Confederate monument in Stone Mountain.


Electing the right officials is one thing but until there is a new sense of commitment to the health of this country’s democracy beyond party interests our government will remain broken. The GOP just tossed aside, well, burned, any pretext of commitment in favor of trumpism so we have a fk ton of work ahead.

It’s mind boggling that a minority party can cause such destruction.


That says to me that we need new people in office, and to stop re-electing those who fail us (on both sides). We need all public funding of all campaigns, a much shorter campaign season, and a much easier way to keep track of what our politicians do in office. We need to end gerrymandering to stop districts from being “safe” for one party or the other, and instead force them to run on the issues. We need journalists who aren’t afraid to call a lie a lie… that means bringing back the fairness doctrine.

We also need greater federal funding for public radio/TV that has a strong commitment to the tenets of fair, balanced journalism that reaches everyone, and doesn’t need to fund raise every 3 months.

Oh! And let’s do away with the two party system, and go with something like ranked voting. That might help, too.


Nobody said or even implied that but you.

Go ahead, give up and lay down, just waiting for the end… if that’s what you want to do. No one is stopping you.

Me, I’ma keep fighting until my last; quitting isn’t in me.


Count me in.
Never count me out.


Here’s what we do: We teach our children what is right, get out the vote (even for goddamn city/county/state elections) and hasten the GOP’s demographically destined fade into the obscurity of the Wrong Side of History with each election cycle.


Yeah, it’s kinda shocking how effective the whole Sinclair / Fox News propaganda empire has been. This was plainer to see when the apparatus was used to prop up someone who was so objectively terrible for us, and the world.


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