Sea Salt Flakes on sale

I was creeped out until I noticed the rest of the cat via its shadow, otherwise…!


Oh good. Can we talk about how to properly cook steak next?



By not being in India! Seriously. Indian soils are unusually low in iodine so it doesn’t get into food grown there. In most of the world just eating a normal balanced diet will provide all the iodine you need. No need for artificial supplementation by adding iodine to salt. Iodine requirements are pretty small - 150 micrograms a day (250 ug/d in pregnancy and lactation).

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I got a pretty good deal a while back on some stuff that looked almost exactly like this. I completely agree with everyone saying 240g is a lot to use in a month; it took us a few months to get through one gram.


That depends… are you going to use the term reverse sear :wink:

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My eyes rolled so far back in my head that I became a reverse sear.


I seem to recall that Maldon isn’t harvested like normal sea salt but, damn, it’s awesome.

It’s not available in my little town so I buy it a pound or so at a time every two years. It’s not going to bad, right? Some even goes into a little bottle in my carry-on on trips, along with a few packs of Choloula, just in case there’s a plane crash and we have to resort to cannibalism.

Have you ever just had a slice of (good) butter with the Maldon salt? No cracker. Just butter and salt…




All I see is a synonym. :wink:


for the record, although I do like to souse vide things, that does not include steaks. If I am going to cook steaks It’s hot charcoal all the way… (I am now hungry)

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I don’t know about iodine, but there is a general problem with hoping to get all the nutrients we need from a balanced diet, now that we (almost) all eat the product of industrialised farming. Crops are grown so intensively that they tend to contain what the farmers put on the fields, rather than what the soil naturally contains (or contained). I hate the idea - I would far rather eat food that naturally contains what I need than add supplements - but it’s good to be aware that this doesn’t always work any more.

Yes, I know, citations needed, but I really should do some work now…

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Not to be confused with Salton Sea Malt Flakes.


Just in time for all the articles about how phosphorous-containing (I wanna be phosphorescent, so…what?) salt prevents strokes. And is otherwise good. Tell us how you not put Mrs. Dash in your pasta (or low-carb substitute) then.

Sorry, but big time citations needed for that claim. The best current research of this is that a balanced diet from “industrialized” farming is perfectly healthy, and that supplementation is actually like harmful. Here’s a starting point, but the science on this is clear:

Organic food is also not healthier than mainstream agriculture:

If you’re going to make the substantial claim that agriculture is less healthy than it used to be or that “industrial” (please define) farming is less healthy than other forms of farming, you’re going to need some pretty serious scientific evidence to back that up. Blog posts from random woo nutritionists ain’t gonna cut it here.

Okay, then let’s start at the beginning. Wikipedia gives a reasonable overview of industrial agriculture (maybe suggesting it’s not such an unusual term).

I guess this is the kind of blog post you don’t want?

How about Scientific American? It’s ten years old, but I don’t think things have changed much.

Here’s a quote:

Yet another study concluded that one would have to eat eight oranges today to derive the same amount of Vitamin A as our grandparents would have gotten from one.

If you prefer to go straight to the scientific literature, here’s a starting point:

Thomas D. A study on the mineral depletion of the foods available to us as a nation over the period 1940 to 1991. Nutr Health. 2003;17(2):85-115. doi: 10.1177/026010600301700201.

I’m not sure why you bring up organic food - that’s not something I mentioned. I am not saying all supplements in any quantity are good either. I’m not proposing that we all abandon modern farming and go back to hunting for individual lentils - that’s clearly not sustainable or desirable. But there are problems with modern agriculture, and I think we all have an interest in addressing them.


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