Secret recording of corporate lobbyist is a dirty-tricks playbook

Nice try, Mr. Berman, but we’re onto you now.

FIFY: “Christ, what an asshole!”

Dunno. Was he sour or bitter?


(more characters)

“so our website is […] we list their money. we list their funders we list their radical positions. And then we do have a section on every single activist. Their rap shits, their criminal records that they have, we really making this personal…”

I don’t see why this isnt something that could also been done against them. Of course, who is going to invest time and money on sleaze-bags is the million dollar question.

1 Like is somewhere along that way.
Anonymous could also do some good job on individual targets.

Given that some of these sites [remember Discover the Network?], post complete and utter bull, shouldn’t it be possible to (a) tar them like revenge-porn sites and/or (b) call them out on defamation?

remember Discover the Network?

Remember it?
I consult it every day along with the obituaries. I need to keep track of who’s dead to me.


I get annoyed with PDFs that aren’t OCR’ed (not something you did, @shaddack, but I’m glomming on to your post because I’m lazy). Any errors in the text are the fault of Google, Obama, and the American people.

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