Sentinel intelligence, explained

It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.

(I feel like there was a better quote, maybe in Dune Messiah, to describe the mentat’s brain clicking through millions of computations, but I had to settle with a made-up movie quote.)

Anyway, my personal take is that human brains are very good at pattern recognition, but, in this case, that results in our seeing a pattern of how many times we’ve been brilliantly prescient, and thinking that that’s meaningful, and ignoring all the predictions of Doom that turned out to be nothing.

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Problem are the people who predicted 10 of the last 5 disasters. Which 5 are we supposed to upheave society for, and which 5 will sort themselves out and pass us by.

If they’ve done the research and it stands up to replication than I guess such people actually exist but how do we identify them? How do we sort Casssandra from Chicken Little?


At this point, I’d prefer the people who can accurately see into the present. Those appear to be few and far between


Or The Sentinel


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im in the same boat, i remove all the logos i can. for me it’s not an aesthetic thing per se. it’s more that i don’t want to be endorsing a company by mere default. and i don’t like their names displayed around my home either. i don’t want to encourage any more unconscious associations with brands than i already have

contrarywise, my laptop is covered in stickers. some with labels of organizations i do endorse.

i value my inconsistency :smile:


( Maria Tatar’s the Heroine with 1001 faces also draws attention to this work)

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It’s easy. Listen to the industry lobbyists. They’ll tell you when to panic over global climate change, sugar, opioids, dairy, beef, …

Sorry for not finishing the joke, but the more I typed the more depressed I became.


Username checks out…


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