Sexism is over! If you want it


Apparently, we like war and sexism.


This must be terribly clever, but I just don’t get it.


I know next-to-nothing about this magazine. What sport is this supposed to be illustrating?


Swimming, I think. But after the full-body suit ban, seems like the pendulum has now swung too far the other way. Stern letters to FINA are in order.

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It references this, but beyond that I couldn’t say.


Do they have any relevance at all anymore aside from this one issue per year? (And haven’t things been that way for several years now?)

As the video suggests - why 800k people buy that edition (or, to be honest, why 68k people buy the other ones), I have no idea.


For starters their name is incredibly ironic now that they’ve laid off all their staff photogs.

Always confused me, that.

“War is over if you want it”

I guess they’re trying to say that if we work towards peace we can achieve it, but it reads more like “If you wish war to continue, it is unavailable!” with the implied “If you don’t want war, it will carry on according to schedule.”


Two words: Supermodel Porn


A few years ago the publisher stopped including the swimsuit issue in library subscriptions, so I guess that forces the 732,000 people who read Sports Illustrated at their local library to buy…okay, I can’t go on because I’m laughing too hard at the idea that that many people go to the library to read Sports Illustrated.


So, this has nothing to do with sports or the illustration thereof. In fact, it’s just a desperate attempt to sell more copies of an increasingly irrelevant magazine? Like, I thought maybe these women were professional athletes or something (although, I dunno if that would make it any better).

Well, not that desperate. I think it’s been a money maker for them for a long time. But, yes, the association with actual sports is tenuous at best.

That’s because it’s missing a “to be” at the end. It SHOULD read:

“Sexism is over. If you want it to be.”

Otherwise the “it” is ambiguous. It could refer to sexism or the end of sexism. Rather different points.


I feel torn. I hear and understand the criticism but I also love, aesthetics, art, beauty, photography, and sexuality. All these things I love packed into an annual issue of SI.

Is there a way to end sexism without burning all the books with beautiful pictures?


One of my favorite memories of going to a Catholic parochial school in the 70’s was going to the school library when the swimsuit issue arrived, and seeing that Sister Rosalita had adjusted all of the bikinis with a sharpie. My disappointment with seeing the photos vandalized was overwhelmed by my amusement.

[quote=“MrHarley, post:16, topic:52955, full:true”]I feel torn. I hear and understand the criticism but I also love, aesthetics, art, beauty, photography, and sexuality. All these things I love packed into an annual issue of SI.

Is there a way to end sexism without burning all the books with beautiful pictures?[/quote]Fill half of it with beautiful pictures of hot men in nonexistent Speedos?


Don’t stick irrelevant pictures on the covers of a sports magazines in a cynical ploy to bolster sales? Aren’t there other publications that specialize in this kind of thing? Honestly, I think the John Oliver segment linked above addresses the alternatives pretty well.