We’re talking about the US, yet you keep pointing to Europe, an entirely different culture, demographic and forms of government. What’s popular there, isn’t here.
The progressive agenda, like single payer and the Green New Deal are popular with progressives. They also mean different things to different people, when details are added they become considerably unpopular. In fact, when actual proposals, with details are added all or nearly all of the progressive agenda becomes unpopular.
Yes, climate change is a crisis, but AOC’s Green New Deal is a fantasy. Even if it was implemented next year, we’d still have temperatures increasing for decades and decades to come. However, it would be impossible, both financially, socially and political to implement her plan by 2030. Even 2050 would take a miracle.
The Republican and Trump would love it if the Democrats ran on increasing the top tax rate to 70%. Not a good idea politically.
Reparations? Yet another very unpopular idea and the Republicans would love for the Democrats to run on it.
Both Sanders and Warren proudly raised and waved their hands during the Democratic debate when asked whether they supported eliminating private insurance. That’s what Sanders has advocated and Warren supports. That alone would make them unable to win in the general election.
Breaking up tech companies by politicians who can barely use email and their phones. Congress is pretty clueless about technology.
Glass-Steagall is still largely intact. If it was restored to it’s entirety people would lose many of the benefits like interest bearing checking and the like. We do have the Consumer Protection Agency, thanks to Warren, but it’s been pretty gutted by the Trump administration. However, what’s now being proposed by Warren is over the top.
No, most of the progressive agenda isn’t popular when you get into the details. You can’t blame the evil corporate media. I seriously doubt that any candidate advocating much of the progressive agenda would get anywhere near 50%. Only about a third of the Democratic party is progressive, with the remaining being center-left and moderates. Republicans overwhelmingly support Trump, about 90% approval. Trump will have no problem getting at least 45% of the popular vote in 2020 and he won with 46% in 2016.
You guys really need to read this article. Yes, I know it’s from a Republican, but sometimes they can give good advice. Please read it with an open mind.
“There are four states that matter in 2020: Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Florida. Win three out of four of those states and Trump is a one-term president. No matter how popular something might be with activists in Los Angeles or donors in Manhattan, it’s dead weight or worse if it isn’t a winner with Rotary Club members in Kenosha, Wisconsin.”
"Democrats are already guaranteed a nominee that will excite their base and drive a big turnout. His name is Donald Trump. Getting activists “excited” by bold policy positions is a waste of time. "
"The people you really have to motivate aren’t the Democratic base, they’re the people in the middle who have been unsettled by Trump’s presidency. "
“Democrats have one job in 2020: Beating Donald Trump. Nothing else matters. If progressives manage to mess this up by insisting on hard-left positions and ideological purity, they will own Trump’s second term. There is a time and a place for everything.”