Shark attacks woman in knee-deep water — highly unusual, but predicted

Originally published at: Shark attacks woman in knee-deep water — highly unusual, but predicted - Boing Boing


I have experienced a passing brush by shark in knee-deep water off the beach of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. It didn’t concern me much but Mrs. Bashful (who wasn’t touched) shrieked and left the water for the day.

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It may be that shark attacks in NZ, or by those particular sharks, are uncommon, but attacks by sharks in shallow water (knee to waist deep) are the norm.

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I’ve encountered a ~12 foot shark in chest deep water a bit further down the coast, luckily it was a nurse shark.

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I remember hearing about this attack that took place in 2001. A bull shark bit off the arm of an 8-year-old but it was shallow enough that the boy’s uncle managed to wrestle the shark onto land so that they could retrieve the arm. (The uncle sure sounds like a badass that you wouldn’t want to mess with!)

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