Well, OK, I won’t take it personally that you just called me a criminal for some reason. But consider these truths:
Cops have been found to systematically under-report cop criminality in every single US study I’ve ever seen. They’ve been shown to literally turn away rape and beating victims without filing reports if the perpetrator was a cop.
Cops are statistically more likely to beat their spouses, sexually abuse children, or murder a stranger than the general population. This holds true despite the reporting problem mentioned previously!
I don’t carry a firearm. Cops do, pretty much 24x7, and many of them habitually carry an undocumented one “just in case”. Who’s more likely to harm someone? An unarmed citizen or an armed man immune to penalty of law?
So if you really don’t trust other people, that should include cops, it seems to me…
I don’t want police protection, and that is not what police do in any functional state. They enforce laws by catching people who have broken them, and not by pre-emptively acting to nominally “protect”. That serve and protect on the side of a police car refers to the possessions of the rich, and not the lives of the citizenry.
Remember, I was harassed by cops for over two years because I helped break up an illegal dumping ring run by a cop who is still on active duty today (in Murdertown, ten miles away), the cops did nothing when I had swastikas and death threats spray-painted behind my house after I adopted a child of color, and I was one of several unarmed citizens who went after the kid with the gun at the High School field hockey shooting incident. All that is independently verifiable, there were lots of witnesses. I have reasons for my beliefs based in real events.
In my half a decade of experience cops are the least likely people to act ethically and humanely in any given situation. They are provably and significantly morally challenged (as a group, I am sure there are individual outliers) as compared to the rest of the populace.
All that being said, I think reforming the police is more likely to happen than getting rid of them, and I would certainly support any such halfway measure.