Silly doggo barks for help after he gets hind legs stuck in splooting position (video)

Originally published at: Silly doggo barks for help after he gets hind legs stuck in splooting position (video) | Boing Boing


Help! I’ve splooted and I can’t get up!

Goldens have a reputation for not exactly being geniuses, right? This video would seem to support that reputation.


Replace “goldens” with “most dogs”.


Doggo’s tail is wagging. I think he’s simply proud and happy to have created The Half-Sploot.


Aka: the spatchcock


Definitely not rocket surgeons; but there’s something to be said for cases where the design doc said “love is all you need” and the product was delivered to spec.


Skip if you don’t want to be bummed out…
All this makes me think of is when we picked up an elderly dog from relatives who had been severely neglecting her. Her hips were weak and she’d slipped in her own feces and was splayed and couldn’t get up. No idea how long she’d been like that when we found her. We took her, groomed out the rat’s nests, bathed her and took her to aquatherapy and b12 shots for a year before the vet said it was her time. I hope we helped her leave this world happy

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Our Golden “Athena” was knocked-up (through the slats in our yard’s fence) by a neighborhood Rottweiler. The puppies that weren’t too long-haired looked like gold Dobermans. Kewl!

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