Smartphone breathalyzer

Agreed. 22 oz is at least “two drinks” by any reasonable measure, though, so …

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OK, yeah, I should have said “for typical body mass” too.

Like any rule of thumb, it has its limits, but it’s a convenient approximation

Arts event value-add for people who would be opining cheesily on why they feel trippy? Fancy (SARS forbid) kissing game and mass transit promo? Wingman dosimeter? Asthma triage and cheese cave spelunking aid (…and your lungs are making grappa, so…) Rum truffle classifier? Basic qualification for that extra-powerful deodorant?

I’m holding out for the Honor PRISM model, which arranges to have me doing 9 tabs of viper dot in Baltimore one hour and 2 lines of coke in Calgary within minutes of any deposition ca. Vancouver, or whatever the sensible response to is running in circles throat-singing praise of the prosecutors’ ashram.

And it communicates ‘through their servers’… uhm no thank you very much.

I don’t know. I got a fuel cell breathalyzer just to check and make absolutely sure that I’m not making a mistake when I think I’m fine, and I discovered that for me, the highest level where I would consider driving is about 0.04, or half the legal limit. I’m a pretty big guy, though, so it takes a surprising amount to get me there. It seems to depend a lot on the individual, so using BAC to decide whether someone’s impaired rather than an actual test that measures impairment strikes me as pretty silly.

That is the only way I have ever seen breathalyzers used (outside of the ones law enforcement carry around.

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