Social media "vigilante" shot and killed by target

Vigilantism is an ethically flawed pursuit to start with. Doing it for YouTube upvotes is simply making it worse.


My sister when she was a sophmore (15) started dating a senior (he turned 18 while they were dating). My parents fully approved of the relationship, knew the age difference…because it was literal normal high-school dating.


He had me at “middle name is Wayne.”

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When one’s business model doesn’t require any market research and plain old common sense would have sufficed.

Pretty sure that happens regularly whenever the police are running any kind of setup: perps can be pretty good about wigging out whenever they sense something is amiss.


On a related note (re: vigilantism on social media; I glanced at the headline* and assumed it was about this same incident - it wasn’t)

Last October, Manesar received a “Silver Creator” award from YouTube for reaching 100,000 subscribers and posed with his plaque next to a cow. A cycle of soaring viewership and increasing violence followed.

*Different headline in the print edition; despite what the date says it was in today’s paper


Yeah I think this plan is worse than the police.
Which is saying something; I really hate the police.


I feel certain that the silver creator award is all automated. Once certain conditions are met, then the order is placed with the engraver to do up a plaque and mail it to the you toober. Sure, 100k followers or whatever, but yay, YT only wants to keep you producing content they can put ads next to. Read Cory’s post today on his site about how crap the ad tech business is.


This sentence made every part of my body just suck up into my interior core from fear and horrified disbelief. I just… ugh. I thought we were going to have black basalt towers proclaiming “nothing of value is stored here”, or something.


He did that to minors.


It shouldn’t need saying, but if someone builds their life around “doing something” about CSA – and feels compelled to do it beyond sight of social services or the justice system – that is not heroic, it’s a major cause for concern.

Even when they aren’t abusers themselves, if they’re all “I can’t wait to find a child being abused so I can act out my dark rage fantasies”, that’s not someone who cares about the wellbeing of children or anyone else.

(There are people who make that their life’s work, but it’s thankless and underpaid and harrowing, and self-appointed pedo-hunter meatheads would probably last 30 seconds if they tried it).


I agree with the monetized motivation here but not about the the wild wild west. Internet today is highly sterilized because in order for thing to spread, it has to be on big platforms. They will remove anything slightly violate the law but not things border-lining illegal as long as it makes them money. The key here is not the law but how much money the platform can make before C&D or warrant comes to their door. This is why all the hate speech and “prank” videos thrive because they bring all the eyeballs eventhough most of those fall under harassment or public disturbance. You can still host your own site and content but they need the reach of those big platforms to spread. I would be surprised if those bumblefucks know how to set up a website. The keys for their “success” are ease of access and overarching reach, both for the content “creators” and their intended audiences.

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Selfies with the atomic priesthood! Cute ray cat videos! Exploring the landscape of thorns in your #vanlife van! There’s social media value in everything


Tangentially related: I did see a funny comment somewhere, that to prepare your kids for social media, pin their art to the fridge and then write mean comments underneath it.

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That’s also being a shitty, abusive parent… Maybe instead of abusing our kids to “prepare them” we just teach them to do better by doing better ourselves… And let them know that the abusive, bullies on social media are just that…


It was a joke comment that I read online. Sorry if that didn’t come through in my comment. I definitely wouldn’t have posted it if I thought for a second it was a “serious” recommendation.

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Well. Zero sympathy for the deceased, I’m afraid.

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Shitty joke is still shitty. Child abuse isn’t particularly funny and I’m a little surprised anyone here would think it is…

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