Solar power is revolutionizing life for opium farmers

No, no, no.

Most of the opium goes through Iran.

The present Afghan government is no friend of Pakistan, and it is working to increase (legitimate) trade with other countries and improve transport links. There are railway connections to Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, and a railway to Iran is under construction,


Sounds like a Trump policy.


“Fair Trade” artisanal natural heroin, as opposed to that mass produced Chinese synthetic shit. The ad copy practically writes itself

“A gentler, more natural high, hand-crafted by artisanal farmers from natural poppies grown on top of the world using a blend of ancient Eastern Wisdom and the latest in Western Technology. For the discriminating user.”


Yeah, I’ve never understood the whole “expensive avocados” thing. In CA, you can buy whole bags (think those mesh bags that people sell oranges or potatoes in) for $5-$10 on the side of the road in any area that grows avocados. Or… you can pay $2 each in a grocery store.

My dad has a single tree that produces so many that we have to give them to whoever will take them, so as not to be completely inundated. Even then, the local raccoons get awfully fat.

They’re easier to grow here, and in much larger volumes, than say apples, which are considerably cheaper. A comparable fruit would probably be oranges (which are fairly cheap).


This is similar to what happened in Humboldt County when marijuana became a big cash crop. Solar panel sales in Humboldt were the largest domestic consumer sales for years. Alternative Energy Engineering in Redway, CA was the best customer for home solar panels for years. Some sources credited them with saving the small consumer solar panel industry at the time. This was in 1979 thru to the 90’s.


You don’t plug your extractor in with a normal cord, do you? You should get shielded “electrophile” grade power cords to keep the alternating current smoother. You’ll taste the difference.


Yep, and also to the author of this blog item “bad for addicts” ← exactly how? If you’re addicted, either you keep using or you get treatment. Either way, the availability of opium& its derivatives is irrelevant.


Bin Laden is a creature of your own making, I might add. And don’t let people forget the trail of blood, tears and destruction the US left behind in their decade-long search for that sad old fart.

It appears that not much has been learned from that experience.


Don’t compare apples to alligator pears to oranges.


You’re still on the grid? Pfft. I hand crank my generator to ensure the cleanest electrons run into my vegetable extractor. Dirty electrons is one sure-fire way to mess up your vegetable essence.


Oh man, that will totally work AS LONG AS NO ONE WANTS HEROIN.


Electrons? You might as well toss nightshade and pond water into your guac mix! Spend some money, buy a quark destabilizer. Those fractional charges…(chef’s kiss)


Yeah, I’ve never understood the whole “expensive avocados” thing.

I think the problem is that tree-ripe avocados are hard to ship, & don’t store well. Also, there’s a production curve. I lived with someone who planted avocados from seed (yeah, with the toothpicks in the glass), then grafted them, then waited for them to grow & bear. They started getting full crops 10-15 years later. Poppies, on the other hand, bear in their first year & anybody can harvest with hand tools. (So I’m told.)


Organic gennies beat solar panels because solar installations, like major tourist attractions where cameras abound, become photon depletion zones. Free-range photons are captured and abused. Sad.


I prefer the original Nahuatl word " āhuacatl", which also happens to mean “testicle”.


But, avocados will ripen quite nicely off the tree as well.

The time to peak production is a good point though. But man, once they get going… I’ve got a friend whose tree produces monster avocados (think easily 2-3x the size of a normal large avocado), and she just puts them in a party bucket outside of her business with an “honor box”, and easily rakes in a few hundred dollars a week during avocado season. All off of a single large tree.


Does this mean it will be easier to find opium in Detroit?!

But farm-raised photons are not nearly as good!

I once built a Faraday Cage and set it up as a trap in the woods near my house. Once the photon took the bait (I used a nice ripe Brie) the cage would plop down and the photon would be trapped. I did it enough times to make the most pure vegetable essence anyone has ever seen. Used it to make guac, and everyone said it was the best they’ve ever had. I didn’t let them in on my secret since I still have a patent pending for my photon trap.


[Gasp] You mean you don’t even use cage-free photons??


Whole Foods was out, so I had to go to Market Basket where they didn’t have cage-free ones.