Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/05/16/solar-storm-halts-farming-equipment-during-planting-season.html
Maybe line your barn with tin foil?
I’ve had no hot water since the weekend. The controller is supposed to heat the water tank for my morning shower. I can manually override to switch the boiler on though. This is today’s job.
I am curious, but not unhappy, about why so little was actually damaged. This had potential to be really bad. To me, it just reinforces the fact that we don’t know as much as we think we do.
You could buy some droids to help out with the moisture vaporators.
An Autonomous Farm sounds pretty dangerous; from what I understand, autonomouses kill more people than crocodiles do.
“Science knows that it doesn’t know everything, otherwise it’d stop.”
Mavis, hook up the mules!
Does anyone know the details of exactly what was affected, and how?
I’m curious because I heard no reports of trouble in civil aviation(where pilots specifically aren’t supposed to depend on GPS; but where authorities tend to issue perturbed-sounding statements when there’s a problem, with electronic warfare activity in eastern Europe and the middle east accounting for most reports lately) and no reports of cell network disruption(and cell sites can only stay coordinated on local rubidium oscillators for so long if GPS time isn’t working properly).
John Deere is not (surprise, surprise) just desperately helpful when it comes to technical specs and details of operation for their hardware; it sounds like the affected component may have been at least one of the modes(? "SF1, SF2, SF3) of Deere’s “StarFire” system, rather than GPS, WAAS, or GLONASS; but most of my googling is ending up at John Deere documents that all remind me that my licensing had better be paid up, farm hardware dealers; and forums full of people with strong opinions about combine hardware, so I’m a trifle lost.
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