Some oysters house creepy inhabitants

Yeah, but he was using the cherry wood dentures that he made from the tree that he chopped down with his bare hands! /s

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Ours (NW) are still far superior.
Yuuum, oysters!


That’s the fun thing about pedantry. It’s usually wrong and laced with judgement.

Hot sauce on oysters is a gulf thing. Up here in the North East, where we’ve been famous for oysters since before the gulf states were states, horse radish or cocktail sauce is traditional. The French have been putting minionette on there for a few hundred years longer than you’ve been alive to make this decision for us.

One thing I can be sure about my grandfather. Who packed a squeeze bottle of cocktail sauce when he went to the marsh to dig oysters with the oystering equipment he made himself and sold for money, is that he liked oysters. A bit too much actually. My father complained he’d eat your whole pay check before you made it back to the docks.


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We get similar critters in the larger Pacific clams in the PNW. They inhabit pretty much every gaper and butter clam. Some get rather large - I’ve seen some about 4 cm diameter! Not sure I would eat them, though. Too much crunch and not enough meat.



Heh, heh.

And that’s the defence used by everyone who’se tried to justify calling something they didn’t like ‘gay’. Only in that sense there’s a positive older meaning. If you trace back the roots of ‘bugger’ it comes from a very old term for Bulgarian, so yes, if you want to justify racism and homophobia by “we say it so much it’s just normal now” go right ahead, but that makes you a part of the problem.

Perhaps you’ll feel better if you edit this Wiki.

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