Sony's copyright bots remove a band's own release of its new video

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Preventing competition for large corporations is the primary purpose of modern copyright law, so I guess this just shows that the law is functioning exactly as it was purchased to do.


While late-stage capitalism will kill us all, this is perfectly fine as long as huge corporations make money in the interim.


Between this, wealth inequality, and politics I’m constantly feeling like this sums up our lives:


So did the band get its video back up or what?

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Thanks for this. I’ve missed this song.



The game’s called “Monopolization of all distribution channels”. The big labels had won round #1 in the 1980s. The internet opened round #2 which didn’t go too well for them in the beginning until the rules were changed. Now the media industry has been the only team left on the field for ten years and it’s 5:1 with ten minutes to play.

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Methinks time has expired. The water boys are giving Gatorade to the refs.

I got an automated copyright notice from YouTube when i posted my own song because I had allowed CDbaby to manage the digital monetary rights for it. It was annoying, but they didn’t take it down. just did that thing where they say I can’t monetize it myself. And they sent an email explaining how to opt out of the whole thing through CDbaby.
I think YouTube handles it slightly better than Facebook. Facebook will just straight up remove the content. YouTube will basically say someone else has the rights to put ads on your video.

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