South Carolina Senate rejects total abortion ban, but stops rape victims and children getting one after 12 weeks

Originally published at: South Carolina Senate rejects total abortion ban, but stops rape victims and children getting one after 12 weeks | Boing Boing

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The way I see it, anyone who can be persuaded to allow abortion exceptions for rape and incest is tacitly admitting what all reasonable people already know: there is a fundamental difference between a fetus and a child. No one of any political affiliation would seriously propose a law making it legal to murder a toddler just because they were conceived via rape or incest.

Deep down, most of the forced-birth crowd doesn’t believe their own propaganda.


Senators did pass a few changes to the six-week ban, including cutting the time that victims of rape and incest who become pregnant can seek an abortion from 20 weeks to about 12 weeks

Yeah, because the time allowed to get the abortion was the big issue with rape and incest, not the actual freaking rape or incest…


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