Sparks enlist Cate Blanchett for new music video

Originally published at: Sparks enlist Cate Blanchett for new music video | Boing Boing


That’s cool. It has become an instant earworm, yeah.


Seeing Sparks in July! I’m so excited. If you haven’t seen it, the documentary “The Sparks Brothers” is streaming and is fantastic.


I wish NBC (or whoever) would make Sparks’ 1982 SNL appearance available. That’s how I first encountered 'em (they played “Mickey Mouse” & “I Predict”) - then Dr. Demento played “Mickey Mouse” on his show.

I believe Peacock has all 48 season of Saturday Night Live available to stream (requires subscription).

You might also want to check out the Internet Archive. Someone uploaded a bunch of old episodes there (SNL S07E19 Danny DeVito).

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