Sponsor Shout-Out: Pencils.com and the Blackwing 602 Legacy Edition

Handwriting: Win.

However, Fancy Letters Are Fancy.

Um, Fancy?


So I bought one of these a while back on a whim, they had a cup of them on the counter when I was buying art supplies. I was curious but not convinced.

About ten seconds of sketching with it I understood where the love came from. The lead in it is like a thin, black stick of butter. It slides across the paper and leaves a very consistent, clean line. The eraser was a tad large for my tastes, tending to overbalance the pencil a bit, but it’s removable.

I probably won’t buy another one, though. I prefer lead holders when I’m doing analog work, though the time to do such things is vanishingly rare these days.

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Pencils? Hah. They’re for lightweights who are afraid of getting their hands dirty. Use a solid chunk of graphite like I do.


It’s funny to me that there is this sort of human urge to get pleasure out of using a pencil.

It’s funny to me that there is this sort of human urge to get pleasure out of using a pencil.

When I was a kid, the only consolation I got during back-to-school time for giving up the carefree Nintendo/sun-soaked lazy summer days was that I’d get fresh school supplies. First day of school - Hello Kitty pencil box full of freshly sharpened pencils, oh man, that was definitely pleasurable. (Also the fresh ream of lined binder paper or an untouched composition notebook. Delicious.)

That, and, if you like to draw (which I do), there is absolutely pleasure to be had from using a pencil. If there wasn’t, no one would ever draw and it would be sad, sad times.

Basic hedonic behavior. A lot of human status is based on “Look what I can do!” A tool that lets you do more/better feeds directly into your social status wiring.

Besides, why should anyone actively seek to be displeased with anything when there’s another option available?

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