Star Wars: Episode VII coming December 18, 2015

“We’re very excited to share the official 2015 release date for Star Wars: Episode VII”

How I weary of press releases announcing the “very excited” or the “thrilled”. We need more press releases with phrases like “We recognize our impending doom”. That’ll get people’s attention.

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Errrr… what about Episodes IV and V?

It’s also abnormal to start numbering from the middle.

In fairness to Abrams a lot the Star Trek movies that preceded his were pretty awful. It’s hard to argue that the rebooted films were a step down from The Final Frontier, Generations or Insurrection.

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At least one of the original characters will remain as good as the original. Williams is doing the score!

Tell me more of this Despecialized Edition.

Just gimme my obvious-cash-grab unaltered Blu-rays and you can make as many terrible sequels as you like, Disney.


Can’t help reading this in Veruca Salt’s voice.

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That is one of my favorite pheromone trails!

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I’ll say this much for ST:V, while it wasn’t a terribly good movie, it was not horrifically inconsistent compared against several TOS episodes, including some episodes that are fairly well liked, like Who Mourns for Adonais? as an example. Superbeing, fantastic (as in fantasy) circumstances that lead to the crew’s involvement in the first place, etc.

Generations, while probably worse than it would have been without Roddenberry (and with Berman and Braga) had a lot of good character-development elements for Picard and some of the other USS Enterprise crew. The tie-in for Kirk wasn’t too strong, but its main weakness was a poor tie-in from the TOS-era beginning, rather than from development in the TNG era. Given that the TOS cast mostly chose to not appear is reflected in how poor the concepts for the first half of the movie were. Had Berman and Braga been replaced with some of the writers that worked on TOS and early TNG it probably would have started stronger. Avoiding a continuity error with TNG: Relics would have been nice too.

The Full TNG-era movies continued to suffer because of Berman and Braga, in my opinion. Had they continued to use SF authors to write and revise scripts, and had they made the events in the movies feel universe-altering or truly character-altering (as opposed to only character-altering in Generations, sort of universe-altering but not-really in First Contact and neither character-altering nor universe-altering in Insurrection) then perhaps it could have worked better.

The 2009 Star Trek movie felt like a spec-script that was adapted into a sort-of Star Trek movie, that changing the character names, ship name, and planet names could have been about anyone. Could have been an in-fiction-universe Galaxy Quest movie… :^)

@Ladyfingers for political reasons, you’re never gonna get that on bluray. you still can get HD, though, as my link explains. I think it’s 720p. looks pretty great on my 42".


I would watch that.

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cough Holiday Special cough

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I thank my lucky Stars that I didn’t see that as a kid. In fact, I still haven’t, and I thank my lucky stars for that too.

I’ve got a torrent of it somewhere, but I think you probably need to huff solvents to appreciate it…

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[quote=“noahdjango, post:51, topic:13792, full:true”] :^)
Thanks for sharing that. I’d heard of the Andywan edits of the special edition but hadn’t heard of the Despecialised Edition before.

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RE: Holiday Special @GilbertWham @peregrinus_bis yes, it was really dumb and cringe-worthy, but towards the end there was a Bakshi-esque animated segment involving Boba Fett that I found worthwhile.

ok … ok, lemme …lemme think about this. So … so … you’re saying I should watch this, right? Coz I gotta know - one way, or the other - because I feel this is some pretty perilous stuff …

I watched it online once a few years ago just to see what the deal was, fully expecting it to suck. and it did. but this bit was actually enjoyable to me, which has no holiday message to it at all, it’s just a short stand-alone story. maybe it was good just in contrast to the garbage of the rest of the live-action show? I’ll watch it again now:

I still liked it, but it’s not great. Definite 70s underground comix vibe to it, which works for me personally. The only reason to watch the whole show is to make fun of how bad it is, MST3K style.

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There are a few really good recap articles that go through what happens. Like this one:

In a Christmas tradition I’m sure we can all relate to, grandpa’s masturbation is interrupted by government troops looking for revolutionaries.

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