Stephen Fry explains what a hateful, terrible thing is the Daily Mail

Well said and I like your idea. As to (2): Bingo! To paraphrase Shakespeare, me thinks he (Putin) doth protest too much.

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Stephen Fry is an atheist though he has Jewish heritage.

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the socialists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.

That’s all it takes, for bigots.

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Except that “protest” didn’t mean the same thing when Shakespeare wrote it.

That line is about over-promising, not strenuous denial of the truth.

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How about a “We are the World” kind of musical campaign aimed at reaching the Russian people?

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I was rather fond of the idea of Nations only submitting gay athletes this year. But best we avoid cutting our nose to spite our face, I think. Pity though.

Actually it is a common metaphor not ‘yours’ and is wholly inappropriately used here. This is on Mr. Fry’s response to DM shooting the messenger when Fry raised an issue publicly (as is his job to do so as a blogger, spokesperson, and officially labelled National Treasure [by the BBC]). DM responded by commenting not on the issues but on the person raising them, this is shooting the messenger. Fry’s response was to comment on the DMs treatment of him and their relation to these issues.

Surely the same take on victimisation could be applied to the DM, clearly the victim as every time they support an ideology it is overthrown and considered hideous and bilious by the ‘civilised’ world. Examples would be found in the categories of; Nazism, Racism, Sexism, Immigration, Religion, Democracy, Personal Privacy, Security, the right to a fair trial and on and on and on.

Right Wing: apparently now including people who are left wing but like to make jokes about women drivers.

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Because it is the response to the slash piece written about him and not about the homophobia issue, the issue that he dealt with in the original article. The one the DM mentions and then says fuck all about while attacking him. There is no reason for it to deal with the issue as the DM made no arguments whatsoever about homophobia and how to deal with/ why you shouldn’t deal with, that warranted response. The only comments they did made were sarcastic or ludicrous.

This article is about the DM because they once again threw in with bigotry and they attacked the person instead of engaging in any form of civil or educated debate about the subject.

The fun part being I could totally see this if he were saying it instead of writing it.

The Wikipedia article also explains how Jesse Owens had to take the freight elevator in the Waldorf Astoria to reach the party celebrating him, because the guest elevator was for whites.

I read something that stated that the French themselves were kinda racist about making sure that Paris was liberated with all white people, despite the French army including a lot of black soldiers, many from French colonies in Africa, so I’m not 100% sure about pinning it all on the Americans and Brits. However, regardless of nationality, I think it’s accepted that white people pulled unfair strings there.

Cory has suggested that the Mail be presented with an award for dystopian science fiction. (At the Utopia/Dystopia panel at Nineworlds geekfest.)

This has to happen…

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My apologies, I had intended to make it clear that there were U.S. papers that were awesomely bad - although, I did live in Germany for close to ten years and I wish I could tell you the names of some of those papers that bad on either side of the divide.

True, what they call here Left wing is actually is actually nothing of the sort. I’ve always tended to think of our two (one) side as either fascistic or communistic and just leave it at that. To be perfectly honest, most, if not all, of the politicians here are out and out crooks but seeing as this is really about a "news"paper in Great Britain, please allow me to bow out of the discussion.

Again, I apologize for not being more clear when I posted that dreck.

My son is working for the Daily Mail but he wants to be a paperback writer.


Lest we forget, a Republican signed the Emancipation Procomation and Klansmen tended to be Democrats.

Something Republican strategists have tried to bring up over the past few years, which gives me the heebie jeebies. Apparently JFK and the Southern Strategy never happened.


I think it’s because there are two “Daily Mail is scumbags” articles on the front page at the same time. It stirs up the sort of creatures that read the Daily Mail.

I didn’t realize anyone actually read the Daily Mail for news or anything of any importance. That’s like claiming to ready USAToday for the thought provoking writing.

Granted, I don’t usually read the letters, and I’m aware of the concept of just because I don’t know about it, doesn’t mean it isn’t important, or doesn’t exist. But isn’t it a possibility that people read the Mail for the sensationalist sports, stupid celebrity news, and the cray-cray letters to the editor?

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This is a totally rational conclusion to draw and not at all a bullshit false-equivalency used as a rhetorical strategy by not-very-clever conservatives who want to play the persecution card.

Yep! Corrupt corporatists in general simply love false equivalency. It keeps the populace spinning its wheels jumping back and forth between two parties instead of making the better, informed choice of the two and allowing slow (but consistent) progress over time.

If only more people that want third parties (as I do as well) would use more critical, long-term thinking past the end of their noses, we wouldn’t be so far from that possibility at this point.


Welcome, time traveller. I assume you’re a time traveller, because you must be writing about some other, future China olympics. Now, as for the 2008 Summer Olympics in China, the calls for boycott were actually quite common. I’m not sure where you’ve found people making China a poster-boy for the anti-capitalists, as personally I haven’t seen them do anything but vilify the de-facto state of China in recent years. But please, do show us some examples of China glorification in any kind of left-wing mainstream.


Yeah, lord knows that “moderate leftists in the business community” are the ones making progressive change… ungh. embarrassing…

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