Street Fighter: The Movie: The 20-year Postmortem


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I remember watching Soderbergh’s “Solaris” and being flummoxed by the fact that different actors seemed to be pronouncing the name of the titular planet differently.


Why would they? People can’t agree on how to pronounce Uranus.


Its not much of a choice is it; between “Your Anus” and “Urine Us”. Neither sounds like a holiday destination.


In “Ronin”, Robert De Niro couldn’t even pronounce “Hereford”.

How the scene should have run:

De Niro, “What color is the boat house at Herfud?”

Bean, “Where they fuck is Herfud?”


See, I like this movie for one thing and one thing only - Raul Julia’s absolutely gonzo, scenery-chewing role as M. Bison. It’s got a place of pride in my ‘terrible movies I love’ collection.


Actually, the name “Uranus” comes from the Greek “οὐρανός”, meaning “heaven.”
It’s pronounced similar to how you would say “ER-ah-NHAS.”
“Er” as in “father.” “Ah” as in “spa.” “Nhas” as in “piranhas.”
So it’s neither “your-anus” or “urine-us.”
Most people would agree, it sounds much better in the original language.
The only thing holding it back is the English-language insistence on weird anglo-isms and scatological humor.


You say, “Er-Ah-Nhas.”

I say, “Uvavu.”

Lets call the Dove from Above.


@godspacejuno: wouldn’t the pronunciation be closer to oo-rah-nohse? That’s what I remember from my ancient greek studies (which admitedly were a couple decades ago).

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I am confused to discover that this was actually a question. I never even though about, because I always just assumed it was obviously “ree-u.”

I guess I could imagine some Americans saying “RYE-you”… This reminds me of how terribly Americans pronounce “kefir.”


@SamSam: Actually I believe the pronunciation is closer to rYOU, with the R and the Y almost forming a single sound.

For bonus points, I think the ‘u’ is unrounded and the R is intermediate between an R and an L

P.S. some pedantic jerks always want bonus points, and I am one of them : )


So something like “Leo” then?

I’ve always thought it was Rye-u; but then I though comicbook superstar Mike Mignola’s surname was pronounced Mig-Nowl-Ah, so what do I know :slight_smile:

I watched this loop about 10 times trying to figure out what he was saying before I realized I had the loop mixed up and he was saying “GAME…ovaaaaaa”. And not something like “Ooophaa…L’chayym!”


How is Mignola pronounced, then?


Well, that’s a funny story, but I have NO idea why the director would re-shoot the scene if he said “ladder”. The mouth looks close enough to saying “later” and they could ‘loop’ it later if it was wrong. (see ADR).


Apparently (and I’m none to hot on the old phonetics) Min-Yo-La, or something like that.

Probably because when people on set hear cut they stop what they are doing to avoid wasting money. Actors are told not to say this word because it can ruin the shot. If half the people stop what they’re doing before the end of the scene it’s ruined.

Keep in mind, this is film, so they don’t really know what they have, and in one of the bigger action sequences you had to be safe in case half the extras all stopped and looked at camera. So the real story here is that they had to reshoot because he said “cut” more than anything else.

Maybe another small reason why de Souza might not really have been cut out for blockbuster directing, though Steampunk Banana’s explanation sounds good to me. This was before digital, so they had no idea if the footage would be usable.

In Italian, “min-yola” (roughly).

Once the names get Americanized, then it’s pronounced however the possessor of the name wants to pronounce it.

I remember during the Terri Schiavo case hearing in the news about this “Shy-vo” person. I didn’t connect the name at all with the person I was reading about, because the name is clearly Italian, and in Italian would be pronounced “Ski-avo.” But her Italian American family can pronounce it however they want.