Students substitute gun control protest for active shooter drill

How many mass shootings are there of Jewish Israeli’s against other Jewish Israeli’s since they actually have a well regulated militia? (if you feel like you’ve heard that phrase before, it’s from this: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State…”)

"Gun laws in Israel are comprehensive despite soldiers being allowed to carry their service weapons on or off duty. Civilians must obtain a firearms licence to lawfully acquire, possess, sell or transfer firearms and ammunition.

Only a small group of people are eligible for firearms licenses: certain retired military personnel, police officers or prison guards; residents of frontier towns (in the West Bank and the Golan Heights) or those who often work in such towns; and licensed hunters and animal-control officers. Age requirements vary: 20 or 21 for those who completed military service or civil service equivalent, 27 otherwise, and 45 for non-citizens. Firearm license applicants must have been a resident of Israel for at least three consecutive years, pass a background check (criminal, health, and mental history), establish a genuine reason for possessing a firearm (such as self-defense, hunting, or sport), and pass a weapons-training course.[51] Around 40% of applications for firearms permits are rejected.[52].

Those holding firearms licenses must renew them and pass a shooting course every three years, and undergo psychological assessment at least once every six years. Security guards must pass these tests to renew their license to carry firearms belonging to their employers.[53] Applicants must demonstrate that they have a safe at their residence in which to keep the firearm. Permits are given only for personal use, and holders for self-defense purposes may own only one handgun and purchase an annual supply of 50 cartridges (although more may be purchased to replace rounds used at a firing range).[54]."

Sound like pretty good ideas. Too bad the U.S. Constitution doesn’t include such reasonable theory on the role of weapons in society. Oh. Wait.


It’s politically expedient for you to think it has done anything - where’s your proof of the assertion?


Which is exactly why BB has long included discussion of reforming policing. Nice try though.


Israel suffers frequent gun attacks despite these laws.

France suffered a massive terrorist attack despite numerous gun laws:

It seems like gun laws don’t stop mass shootings.

The second amendment is overshadowing the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness part.

It’s a balance, ever changing, and currently unbalanced.

Be a voice for sane regulation, or be worked around effectively. If you’re a fan of winning sides and being on them, might be time to switch.


It seems like 1 isn’t 0. Nice try though.

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Both of you are off-base. The PLO has been mass-importing arms into Israel via Gaza for decades. The Paris shooters were not from France and did not use weapons purchased in France. Compare that to the USA: most of the shootings have been with legally purchased weapons, made here. Your argument is without merit.


Where do you see this happening?

If it’s a thing, can you name a place -ideally county level or more granular- that you expect to see this, and why? Whom do you propose will behave that way?

Yes, and the Israeli militia defends against them fairly well. What they don’t do is have crazy randos of their own citizenry shooting the place up. Also, exactly.

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What they DO have is a national case of PTSD.

Can you come up with a position that allows for happiness of others, balanced with your own need to carry a semi-automatic security blanket around?


No one claimed gun laws stop mass shootings entirely. The claim is that gun laws are the primary reason why mass shootings are exceptionally rare in most countries and horrifically common here.


And dude. They are crazy randos. They’re terrorized by ideas and they use their ideas to terrorize. All those guns do is ENSURE people won’t talk it out.


There are hundreds of thousands of people in this country who have hoarded guns for years (decades, sometimes) because they were absolutely sure that the government would be coming for them eventually and have spent a good part of their adult lives fantasizing about civil war. Even if the large majority of these loons folds when it comes to crunch time, that will leave a lot of heavily armed people whose biggest fantasy would be coming true in getting to shoot at government agents trying to confiscate their firearms.

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The issue has not been studied as well as the effects of laws on other forms of crime and behavior (and gee, I can’t imagine why that might be), but the studies that have been performed don’t seem to back up your argument.

No, they’re not 100% effective. But they do have an effect, especially when executed as part of a coordinated and multi-part effort to quell gun violence. (And notably, studies showed that the one case of a gun control law being repealed in Missouri resulted in a drastic increase in gun violence.)


Yeah, that’s why we pass the law and wait… an awful lot of progress in America consists of changing the law and waiting for the old school to die off.

We’re not coming for your guns. But you won’t be able to sell them, your homeowners insurance may get involved, and ammo is going to be dear… and you may be expected to lock up the assault weapons you own, and in 30 years you will be dead and so will I and America will have fewer guns.


Lots of details get lost in the broad strokes of this issue. I would like to see a big crackdown on unregistered weapons. Redirect all that police rage into clearing the streets of illegal weapons. Tighten up the laws and have buybacks. Make manufacturers pay high taxes. Make it fuckin’ HURT to have an assault weapon. It should be near fucking impossible to get one. Shotguns, revolvers, bolt action rifles with three shot mags, muzzle loaders, breech loaders, and those kinds of guns: basically ignore them. They are not this problem. It’s the high capacity, rapid-fire weaponry that needs to be outmoded. Get rid of it all.

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I guess that depends on whether you want to frame “the problem” as mass shootings (mostly AR-15s and similar weapons) or overall gun deaths (mostly handguns). I’d applaud any measure that makes a significant dent in either of those numbers.


Right now, identifying the major source of the most pressing problem is paramount. Right now, it’s high power, high capacity, rapid fire guns, especially the ubiquitous AR15. We can deal with the other stuff I listed later.

Apparently Rubio’s CNN town hall is going well.

Just, y’know, not for him.